Lost money on guild promotion drinks.

Lost money on guild promotion drinks.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VooDooU.4891


I just bought 1 Drinks on the house and 2 toast to the guild and although my character got some sort of credit from achievements the guild received no influence from these. So I am out 24s.. and my guild is out 120 influence. I realize this is pittance but at this stage of the game every little bit counts.

Just a note my guilds influence was going up during this process (me buying them and then finally reporting it here) so its not like its lag or the guild is stuck.


Lost money on guild promotion drinks.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jet.7395


Same thing just happened to me. I bought the 20s one and received no influence on the guild screen. I also get no influence from doing events. I am not sure if that is how it is intended for level 80’s but if so that seems flawed.

Lost money on guild promotion drinks.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BladeOfLuxon.7896


I have experienced the same bug. According to my History, I ought to have 814 influence, but my current tally only shows half that.