(edited by Moderator)
Mad Kings Doors can be glitched open forever
Found a bugged Haunted Door at kessex hill. It stays open without doing anything.
There are about 4 of these Halloween Mystic Doors that are bugged in Gendarran Fields in the area around Provern Shore, they are stuck open since after the patch I think.
I’ve attached a screenshot of one of these doors.
Can we get an update on Haunted Doors? Went hunting again today and after finding 15 doors, all stuck OPEN, with nothing coming out, I gave up. I don’t see anything about these posted but it’s highly disappointing.
Did you post about this in the bug forum?
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
There are currently NUMEROUS haunted doors bugged in Gendarren Fields on the Isle of Janthir server. I’m sure we’re not the only server. Is there going to be a fix for this any time soon?
Same for Gendarren Fields on Sea of Sorrows.
They do eventually go away I think, since often if I log out for a couple of hours then come back they’re gone and the spawn location works correctly. But they do seem to stay there doing absolutely nothing for an awful long time.
One day I will find one of these mythical doors….and kill the unicorn that is inside.
Seriously tho’…where the heck are they? I need to stop screwing around with Costume Brawl in LA and hunt around more. :P
Haunted doors here: http://dulfy.net/2012/10/24/gw2-haunted-door-locations/
Is this only happening on certain servers or maps?
The ones I’ve seen have all worked since the event went live (minus the one that was bugged and constantly spawning enemies).
I’m in Sorrow’s Furnace, and off the top of my head, the ones that I’ve seen that worked were in Queensdale, Kessex and Gandarren. I’ve yet to have a door bug for me since the initial endless spawning glitch.
Not saying that it’s not happening to you, it just may be helpful for the devs to know which server you’re in and what maps you’ve played.
You’re right. I could have swore I posted that this was on Isle of Janthir.
I’d really like to know about this too. The most popular spot (The Provern Shore and some other as posted on reddit not long ago) has ALL the doors bugged nearby.
A lot of users on our server (Aurora Glade) were under the impression it had somehow been nerfed or anti-farm restrictions introduced. But if other servers are still able to farm, we are missing out. What’s going on?
This has become an issue in Fort Aspenwood as well. 3 of the 5 active spawns near Provern Shore are stuck open, Nothing spawning.