Magic Find is a fraud

Magic Find is a fraud

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mattott.4726



Don’t waste your time on this. I have a base MF of 167%. After gaining various boosts to MF as a % increase it only gives the point increase. I did fiddle around with various boost items to see what would happen. Most of the time it would give the point increase not the percent increase. However, there are a few items and times when the increase was not based upon points or percent. I have no idea how this happens. There must be a serious glitch in their math work. I also found that switching between boosts of the same percent increase would not always give the same percentage or point increase.
Therefore, it is concluded that any base MF over 100 is a waste of time. I would say that ANET may be purposefully defrauding its customers who are salvaging items to gain luck when they can be sold for gold/turned into gems, which ANET really wants cash for. Bottom line. MF is broke/doesn’t work/fraud.

Magic Find is a fraud

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


I completely agree.

I run fractals with around 450-500% MF (271% account, 20% amulet, food, utility, birthday/celebration, MF booster) and you know what I get?

Mostly blues, some greens and lucky to get 1-2 rares! Never exotics or anything worthwhile!

And since they’re CONSTANTLY nerfing loot in this game, and MF only affects loot from kills, there is really no point in it at all! Since Thermanova fractal for example, has NO loot whatsoever from trash mobs. It used to until HoT ruined the game.

They should make MF affect everything! Chests, bags, kills, crafting/salvaging, mystic toilet! But no. It’s just a useless stat designed to fool you into thinking it’s beneficial.

Magic Find is a fraud

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Don’t waste your time on this. I have a base MF of 167%. After gaining various boosts to MF as a % increase it only gives the point increase. I did fiddle around with various boost items to see what would happen. Most of the time it would give the point increase not the percent increase. However, there are a few items and times when the increase was not based upon points or percent. I have no idea how this happens. There must be a serious glitch in their math work. I also found that switching between boosts of the same percent increase would not always give the same percentage or point increase.
Therefore, it is concluded that any base MF over 100 is a waste of time. I would say that ANET may be purposefully defrauding its customers who are salvaging items to gain luck when they can be sold for gold/turned into gems, which ANET really wants cash for. Bottom line. MF is broke/doesn’t work/fraud.

Bottom line: your conclusion doesn’t follow from the facts. First, there are some occasions when the MF listed on a character won’t be the same as the actual MF the game uses — that’s a display issue, not a broken mechanic, let alone fraud. Second, “fraud” would mean that ANet intentionally set out to deceive people rather than produced a patch which causes a bug in the mechanic.

More importantly, you haven’t provided any actual data to show that there’s no difference between X% and Y% MF, so the burden remains on you to show that there’s an issue with the mechanic.

MF doesn’t guarantee that you get better loot. It just increases the likelihood that the loot that drops from foes (or in rare cases, from specially labeled containers) is more likely to be of higher rarity. It won’t stop you from getting blues or greens, it just increases the chances that you get more.

Those who have done controlled tests have consistently validated the mechanic and point out that it’s only noticeable over the course of 100s and 1000s of drops. It makes little difference to people who run fractals (because there are so few kills) and more of a difference to those who run event trains in Orr and elsewhere (where there are 100s of kills per session).

tl;dr before claiming that there’s an issue, offer up some evidence that supports the theory.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”