Magic find bugged ?

Magic find bugged ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skys.6421


I have to ask this because I noticed this is either not working or it goes into negative values
My guild has 10% magic find buff for 3 days active,beside that I crafted for myself Omnomberrys bar’s that give
Nourishment (30m): 30% Magic Find
40% Gold from Monster
+10 Experience from kills.
Anyway when I take this, my loot becomes really bad, after the effect has passed I suddenly get 1 rare item or something like that, but while I am under this buff nothing good drops. My husband also tried it and it worked same for him, he was kidding me that my bar’s give negative buffs so from lousy loot you get worse. Anyway I figured it must have something to do with bug’s or something like that. I stubbornly take them, hoping to notice any difference at all, but nothing so far…it seems useless.

Magic find bugged ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Corew.8932


This had me laughing, I’ve been using Omnomberry tarts.. and now that I think about it I’ve been really unlucky with rare drops lately