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Posted by: elmarco.6208


Hello everyone!

I got a problem. I made a full exotic gear to a friend of mine. He sent me all the raw materials and I made it. No problem with that. I also applied the RUBY ORB on the whole armor set . I dind’t wear the armor whilst appling the orb: I did it in the inventory tab (double click on the orb and then applied on the piece of armor). The gear still says “soulbound on use” but I can’t attach it in the mailing system. I don’t know why. I can’t sell it even in the Black Lion Trading Company. Still don’t know why.

How I can send the armor I made to my friend? I have no clue about that. Does the ORB makes different items? Even they are still not “soulbuond”?

Thank you

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Posted by: elmarco.6208


Additional Info: the gear i made is the 400 armorsmith exotic gear with berserker’s insigna on it.

It is like Berserker’s Draconic Boot/Chest/… (Exotic)

Thank you again.

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Posted by: Zatasha.6958


I just reported the exact same issue but regarding a staff I got for my sister – I bought a rare staff from TP, changed the sigil on it (the staff still says “Soulbound on Use”, and now I’m unable to send it to her, making os both a fair bit frustrated.

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Posted by: dcwow.1672


I have the EXACT same problem. I had purchased a full set of gear for my son’s guardian. I was playing my thief. So, after purchasing these items, I also purchased the runes and sigils for them. I applied those sigils/runes to the armor/weapons before sending. I was able to send the FINE quality gear without problem. However, I had a problem sending the majority of the MASTERWORK gear. The only MASTERWORK item I was able to mail was the pair of boots. Every other MASTERWORK item could not be attached, instead showing a red bordered box appearing in the attachment placement tabs. None of these items were soulbound or bought with Karma. I purchased everything mentioned above from the Trading Post. Now, the only option when I right click the items is to Destroy (no preview available due to temporarily-disabled non-class armor preview) or Preview (weapons only). I can’t even resell these back on the Trading Post. They act like soulbound or karma items, yet they are neither of these. They still retain the “Soulbound on Use” subtitle.


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Posted by: Michael.4791


I might be mistaken, but I think that I read here in some thread that applying jewels or runes will turn the manufactured items into being soulbound. I don’t remember if they really show off the change or not.

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Posted by: dcwow.1672


I might be mistaken, but I think that I read here in some thread that applying jewels or runes will turn the manufactured items into being soulbound. I don’t remember if they really show off the change or not.

If this is what’s happening, then it is a bug and unintended. Soulbound items are either those labeled as such, i.e. “Soulbound on Use” or Karma-purchased items. Applying Runes or Sigils does not soulbound an item, as this is a good way to increase value of the item. Besides, if that was the case, then I would not have been able to mail the heavy armor boots that I mentioned in my previous post, as they had been runed just like all the other armor pieces. This is definitely a bug and I’m hoping it gets squashed. This problem has arisen in only the last patch or two, as this was never an issue before. I’ve played since beta, have 2 80s and numerous alts and I just encountered this. I’m hoping ArenaNet gets this issue resolved soon.

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Posted by: Michael.4791


So it has been only the jewels that caused a problem before. The other part is either unrelated or new.

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Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

Applying jewels, sigils, or runes makes an item soulbound to you. A warning even pops up and tells you this before you apply it.
