Mail sent and not received

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sol.3296


I mailed an exotic crafted greatsword to account: betterdays.1538 approximately 2-3 days ago and he never received it.

He is a real life friend of mine so I trust that it definitely wasn’t received by him. I tried to submit an in-game bug however the submit button remained grayed out no matter what I tried.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saulius.8430


did he check if his mail box is full? you can have only 10 mails from players at a time, others get qeued.

kill all ze thingz

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Corpdecker.3819


I had a similar issue a few days ago, I mailed my wife some items over maybe 6 mails to make room in my inventory and she immediately returned them, however I didn’t get any of them. I had 5/10 player mails in my inbox at the time and maybe 7 system mails from personal story quests, dungeon availability anouncements and such. As soon as I started deleing the system/game/non-player mails, the mails started coming in. It seems like the 10 mail limit from players is broken a bit in that it is counting the system mails as well.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I have more details on this issue. (Mainly writing this in case someone from Arenanet reads it so they can duplicate the issue).

Whether your mailbox is full or not matters, but is not the ONLY thing that matters. If you have a mail from that person that is in your mailbox currently, or perhaps the last mail you received was from them, then you will not receive another until it is deleted.

Example: My inbox has 7/10 right now. My last mail was received from a guildmate who sent me a few items. I took the items from that mail, but did not delete it. So, her mail was the top mail on my list (ignoring NPC mails and storyline mails). She then attempted to send me 2 more mail items. I received nothing. I deleted the empty mail from her that I had received and opened previously, and the first of the two new mails arrived. I opened it, emptied it and deleted it and the second of the two new mails arrived.

Hope this helps.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aramina.2591


I’ve noticed this bug a lot, because I’m often doing guild fundraisers for WvW, and what I’ve noticed is that it doesn’t matter what mail I delete, I don’t receive mail until I delete mail. Period. I randomly deleted a mail yesterday, and promptly discovered 3 gold seller mails as well as some mail from friends, but I only received them one at a time as I deleted other mail. I’ve not tried deleting all the NPC mail, maybe doing that will allow me to receive mail normally, I will have to try it tonight.

Aramina Eventide, Engineer
UV, Borlis Pass

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saya.1260


At least some of the system mails count towards the 10 limit (although it doesn’t show in the count). I know the Halloween ones did, and others may as well.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sol.3296


Thanks for the response and tips guys. I’ll ask my friend as I’m not sure he has reached his 10 limit, or if he has other read mail from me in his inbox, which could be likely.

I’ll post back my results as soon as I have more info, cheers.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: khiggins.2879


Had the same problem had some friend’s send me some stuff and didn’t receive it. I’ll let u guys know what happens after I delete the mail.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Havok Hawkeye.7638

Havok Hawkeye.7638

same thing, deleting mails didnt help.
we can send and receive new mails. but the mail that didnt arrive is still like that.

Mail sent and not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sol.3296


Update – Mate cleared his mail and it came through although it was still only 7/10 full with no mail from me at all. Still, at least the weapon got through. Very strange…