Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Krimpton.4879


kind of hoping that i am not stood near it when it does get fixed….

Grave danger of being trampled to death in the stampede of lvl 80’s all rushing at once to do it :p

The risen in that area are going to get a real kicking too.. :p

P.S It’s still bugged on seafarers rest too.

(edited by Krimpton.4879)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: The Cow King.3086

The Cow King.3086

Sure would be nice if this bug got fixed before Guild Wars 2 turns into Diablo 3. People get sick of bugs, it kills their view on the game as they get more and more frustrated, and eventually just dump it.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Shady Klepto.4068

Shady Klepto.4068

It has been several days of non-existent skill point at Bayt Fallahin poi. This is all a lot of people need for 100% map completion. I know not everything can work perfectly, but after 4-5 days, I am loosing faith quickly………..


Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Argaio.6902


Still bugged in Eredon Terrace (US)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Sundar.1735


Does Anet even read this forum at all? Just curious because this thread has got like 68k views now and by the looks of it this particular skill point has been bugged ever since the game came out. I am also starting to think they’re ignoring it on purpose to prevent too many people from reaching 100% world completion and getting legendary weapons so they wouldn’t run out of things to do and lose interest in the game.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

I’m not anywhere near high enough level to get to this skill point (level 56) but just watching this thread is painful. 13 pages? Busted since launch? Dear god, that’s embarrassing!

I hope it’s fixed by the time I hit high enough level to get there.. But looking at this thread, I wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Pup.6439


im waiting for a week for last skillpoint to 100% world completion.
what i do everyday is keep refreshing this page and go to that skillpoint every time i login and before logout.

very sad arena is it so hard to fix just 1 skillpoint its over a week now so lame.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: andertous.7106


Waiting for a week for this come on A-net plz fix it

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Milennin.4825


How hard can it be to fix a single skillpoint?

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Psy.6153


I went through every single server worldwide before the 24 hr transfer.
There was no npc on any server for the skill point.

Caps edited by moderator

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

(edited by Moderator)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Zharion Sirocai.2786

Zharion Sirocai.2786

Still bugged on tarnished coast. spent 20 minutes trying to jump up some rocks trying to get to the top of the arch over the door. good fun.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: dauberjohan.1486


Still bugged on Piken Square (EU)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Notrub.6925


Going on 14 days and still bugged on Stormbluff Isle.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Samjatin.7645


At least a week on Riverside [DE] now. Is this some kind of a joke?

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: JimmieRustle.4620


Still broken/missing/bugged on ET, am so broke that I can’t afford Waypoints/repairs, so I’ve been sitting at this skill point and logging off. FUN!

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: The Cow King.3086

The Cow King.3086

A mod could edit someone’s post for caps locks, but not respond to the bug affecting the most players in the entire game. Pathetic.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Liraz.8062


A mod could edit someone’s post for caps locks, but not respond to the bug affecting the most players in the entire game. Pathetic.

They are a bit busy counting their money to respond to support tickets and bugs, it appears.

Firstwatch Irregular Company – RP, Tarnished Coast

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: JanBanJuveh.9306


This is still bugged in DarkHaven. Please fix.. This is already very frustrating. For those who do not know. This is a screenshot of the supposed to be NPC for the Skill Point


Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Desdamon.5138


A mod could edit someone’s post for caps locks, but not respond to the bug affecting the most players in the entire game. Pathetic.

They also have time to delete your posts for saying this is pathetic, as they did with mine. Forum TOS are important but game quality not so much.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: KJBRAY.5671


zzzzz This is sad. That is all.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Sardouche.5284


Waiting on this to be fixed on Yak’s Bend NA as well. Considering it is the only skill point out of 202 that was bugged for me and the only thing stopping 100% map completion I’m not too worried about it.

Just send me a heads up when its fixed please

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Gaddafi Duck.6371

Gaddafi Duck.6371

I’m on yaks bend, and bayt is bugged in malchor’s too.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Artphul.1403


wont kill Zhaitan because the reards are bugged this…was this ready for release?

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Tveno.8014


Just fix it already ArenaNet.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: ThatTallGuyX.3058


Someone already described the issue. The npc object to start the event spawns below the walk way after it is killed the first time. It’s beyond me as to why this bug has yet to be hot fixed.

Level 80

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: TissueHime.1260


Sounding like a broken record but Ehmry Bay is bugged as well.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Itgof Grits.7294

Itgof Grits.7294

Still bugged on Blacktide server

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Garbol.4390


What in the actuall kitten! Still bugged on Aurora Glade EU.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: wotari.1356


Fissure of Woe, bugged…. theres no server reset ?daily reseted

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: LeVenin.7085


Still bugged in Fort Aspenwood server. I have been waiting over a week for this fix and still nothing.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Adam.4103


Still stuck on 99% because of this and another skill point, get your act together A-Net.

Adam The Vanquisher

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Aerel.6471


Still bugged on Dark Haven. Common!

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Revenge.3892


Still bugged on Borlis Pass (US)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: squirtle.2781


This bug is making me and several others I’ve talked to really angry and making us not want to play anymore because of this crappy service. Its pretty sad how there are 13 pages on this one specific SP and nothing is being done about it. Here’s a suggestion, MAKE IT A COMMUNE SP AND BE DONE WITH IT!

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

Bugged on Desolation Server.. for about two weeks or more. Only thing I need for 100% explorer but its pretty much unachievable like this.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: LeVenin.7085


It is the only thing i need for 100% world completion and I am confused as to why this still hasn’t been fixed.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: The Cow King.3086

The Cow King.3086

The game crashes, and next thing you know there’s 20 people at the Bayt Fallahin SP.. Refund all of our 5s for wasting teleports there and back pl0x? Or you know.. Fix your broken kitten?

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Sephyros.5217


Bugged on Stormbluff (prob someone already told it). This appears to be the greater bug topic that check, I believe that this POINT DIDNT WORK IN ANY SERVER!!

Hundread post reporting this bug and for weeks ARENANET DOES NOTHING!


Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Pup.6439


how hard to fix just a single skillpoint? wtf arena

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Hammie.4952


It isn’t just one skill point challenge though, almost all, if not all, the maps have at least one skill challenge bugged out at the moment. Although I find it hard to believe that this is no easy fix as previously those skill challenges were working just fine, which means that the script is there and only needs a… I don’t know, maybe a copy+paste? Lol…

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Rizzy.8293


If you guys are still hitting this issue on the Enchanted Bow skill challenge, this is because the fix didn’t make it into tonight’s build . We have the fix and will put it into our next build, which hopefully will be sooner than later.

We’re sorry about the hassle this has caused a lot of you. I can assure you that this skill challenge nightmare will be over soon.


How soon?
Theres literally 15 people in JQ standing ontop of the balcony at any given just waiting for it.
I was expecting a patch update tonight or atleast a server restart.

(edited by Rizzy.8293)

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Bump to front page coz this is important

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Paladin.5268


Adding bump because Anet refuses to respond to this. Weeks without a fix, I honestly am beginning to think their coding has major efficiency issues, as something like this would not go this long with RIFT.

At the very least, RIFT support would spawn the NPC’s while their devs worked on a hot fix, or support would just credit those who placed a ticket about it, once it was a known issue.

Lack of support will have a big impact here, and so far the lack of any type of real support is staggering. They do not have the tools to flag our characters for this SP??

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Adding bump because Anet refuses to respond to this. Weeks without a fix, I honestly am beginning to think their coding has major efficiency issues, as something like this would not go this long with RIFT.

At the very least, RIFT support would spawn the NPC’s while their devs worked on a hot fix, or support would just credit those who placed a ticket about it, once it was a known issue.

Lack of support will have a big impact here, and so far the lack of any type of real support is staggering. They do not have the tools to flag our characters for this SP??

I was under the impression that there was going to be a new patch at midnight like they did for the past 2 weeks, the infamous dungeon patch.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Dzony.6817


FIX tht Point , or just give us the point so we can get on with the game :/

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Executrix.2049


Still not working on Piken’s Square and Gandarra. Is it ever gonna be fixed? Prioritize this, heck even make a separate update just to fix this. 13 days is crazy long….

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: CC Eva.6742


CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

We understand your concerns and how annoying this bug is for your gaming experience. The team is fully aware of this issue and working on a solution so we would like to ask you for a little bit more of patience. It is indeed important to get it fixed so it will not be forgotten.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Executrix.2049


Thanks for the quick response. I hadn’t seen a red post for a while in this thread. Good to hear you guys are working on it.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Coredusk.3156


I think it works earlier after server reset, and bugs later on.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

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Posted by: Pup.6439


still waiting i losing money about 1g now for teleporting and look is this skill point work?