Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arekkz.9218


I know that this issue has probably been raised already, but I couldn’t find the topic on the front page, and therefore decided it needed to be raised again.

The Skill Point in Malchor’s Leap (at Bayt Fallahin) has been bugged for 11 days now (that’s how long I’ve been trying to do it, anyway), and despite various patch notes saying Skill Points have been fixed, this one continues to break/be broken. I spoke to someone on map chat the other day who said it was fixed for all of about 10 minutes, after which it broke again (I’m on Gandara).

My problem is, I work during the day, so I can’t always check straight after the morning reset, so I leave my character by the skill point, sign-in in the morning to check, sign-out; sign-in in the evening, sign-out. I understand from a testing standpoint that high priority issues must be fixed first, but this can be considered a “progress-blocker” which is normally a pretty highly ranked issue.

Now I am not normally one to complain, on the contrary, I am extremely grateful to ArenaNet and everything they have got right, and I respect that they are extremely busy right now trying to iron out the most important issues first, but please give us a more permanent solution for this skill point; I’ve been sat on 98% completion for too long now.

Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nudd.2970


yea I am in the same boat. This has continuously been broken. I have submitted ingame bug reports about it after each update and still… nada.


Some guy called Nudd

Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pandalishus.8426


Been bugged for much longer than 11 days…

Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wolfram.8649


Bugged on Borlis Pass as well. When discussion comes up about broken skillpoints, this one almost always comes up first, it is infamous for being CONSTANTLY bugged, and broken within an hour of servers coming back online or a new patch.

How does this get missed?

Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Logan.1920


I’ve sent I don’t know how many bug reports about this broken SP in the past couple weeks. This is the last skill point I need for 100% world completion, and nothing is getting done about it.

Malchor's Leap: Bayt Fallahin Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RShara.3265


It was working on Tarnished Coast last night. Got the 100% completion finally!