Map Completion, stopped at 98%

Map Completion, stopped at 98%

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Himori.2109


Hi everyone, so i have been focussing a lot on map completion, i completed it about 4 days ago now. Its been annoying me since as you can see from the picture i am apparently missing a few different things, however i can confirm with regret that i have completed all the world maps (those in attachment) and yes, i have infact completed all WvW maps including eternal battlegrounds, i have spent about 5 gold now checking this over and over again multiple times to make sure i haven’t missed anything (so please don’t even suggest i have!), coming here has been truly my last resort. I have researched into this for the past few days, looked at other threads etc, tried fixes other people have suggested and used eg. chantry and vigil. but to no avail, and i have tried these many multiple times.

What i have noticed though is other people report either the bug happening and still getting rewards, or getting the title even though it shows a number lower than 100. however i have neither of these, it says i’m missing stuff and wont give me anything. Thanks for reading, hope there is a solution soon.
Report done.


Map Completion, stopped at 98%

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krag.6210


Stupid question but I was stupid enough to make the mistake.
Have you done the 3 wvwvw Borderlands? Not only one?

I don’t have 100% yet, only 98% cause I’m still missing the wvw maps but the fact that you have 5 vistas missing seems weird to me.

Also, the mist map, not sure it counts though.

Map Completion, stopped at 98%

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Himori.2109


As i stated, i have done all the WvW maps, all 3 borderlands, and the eternal. i have not completed the mists map, however i went there and did a few POI’s to test and see if it did actually count, i can confirm it does not count, as it did not change the numbers toward map completion. Thanks for the suggestions though.

Map Completion, stopped at 98%

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


You are not alone!
I have been anticipating this exact issue for some time now, but it wasn’t till just now that I became certain I have this bug. I now know for certain as I just finished my final zone, (Eternal Battlegrounds). I have now completed everything 100%, but my map says I am only at 98% and lists several uncompleted tasks.

500/507 WP
705/717 PoI
260/266 Vistas

I have completed all the explorer achievements, I have been through every zone to verify that all zones are 100%.

My guess is that this is due to some sort of server rollback that happened at some point in time, where we had completed certain tasks giving credit for the individual zones, but due to the rollback this progress was erased from our “Been There, Done That” Achievement and overall map completion.

It would be really nice to get some kind of response from ANET in regards to this issue.


Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard