Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: atheria.2837


Many of us trying to find our way to the waypoints at the top of the map and further west are not able to find it even after over an hour of looking.

Bugged events galore and no idea how to progress to get the “glider” that everyone laughs about having hours after the start of beta.

This is a travesty in action – some of this should have been seen in alpha/closed beta play, not left for live beta events to destroy a person’s will to play altogether.

I paid the full price for this mess – and boy did I and so many others get ripped off.

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Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyrael Pelingar.9650

Cyrael Pelingar.9650

To progress in the mastery skills, including glider, you need to enter the hero panel, go to the mastery tab, and click on the desired mastery. The mastery bar will replace your EXP bar at the bottom of the screen. Once it fills, that mastery will unlock. When it fills again, the next tier will unlock, and you can spend mastery points to open it. Hope that helps clear that up for you.

As for the waypoints, from the start, head north, and around to the west. You’ll encounter a treehouse village. It’s very twisty, and took me a while to locate the route, but look around, and you should find it.

Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KellyCDB.7138


Once your Glider Basics mastery is unlocked, you just hop off a cliff and press space bar to “get” the glider, you don’t have to talk to any NPC or anything for it. I think that is a little confusing to some ppl.

Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: atheria.2837


Stop with the glider mastery – I can’t even think how to get to the content when the events are bugged so much they don’t work.

Glider mastery will be easy for some and incredibly hard to impossible for others – is that how this is supposed to work?

Thanks for the non-hints here and for the great support from those who get their gliders without any effort whatsoever.

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Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: atheria.2837


To progress in the mastery skills, including glider, you need to enter the hero panel, go to the mastery tab, and click on the desired mastery. The mastery bar will replace your EXP bar at the bottom of the screen. Once it fills, that mastery will unlock. When it fills again, the next tier will unlock, and you can spend mastery points to open it. Hope that helps clear that up for you.

As for the waypoints, from the start, head north, and around to the west. You’ll encounter a treehouse village. It’s very twisty, and took me a while to locate the route, but look around, and you should find it.

I am on glider mastery – doesn’t matter if you can’t get the points to advance towards it with bugged events and overpowered npcs.

The rest of your note was a bit helpful but not since again, the events aren’t doable by a few who can’t find the path and the rest are laughing at those five to seven stuck at the first or second waypoints for over two hours.

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Map Not Only Deadly - Confusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

To progress in the mastery skills, including glider, you need to enter the hero panel, go to the mastery tab, and click on the desired mastery. The mastery bar will replace your EXP bar at the bottom of the screen. Once it fills, that mastery will unlock. When it fills again, the next tier will unlock, and you can spend mastery points to open it. Hope that helps clear that up for you.

As for the waypoints, from the start, head north, and around to the west. You’ll encounter a treehouse village. It’s very twisty, and took me a while to locate the route, but look around, and you should find it.

Thanks for that explanation. That was a big help.
(I feel foolish for not figuring it out, too — they told us that “masteries” were replacing post-80 “leveling,” so of course it works the same.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”