[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vizen.2049


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Profession: Any
Armor: Mainly Heavy and Medium Non Cultural.

This has been a glaring issue for me since launch but the Sylvari Males regardless of how skinny they are seem to have a bulging issue at the waist and the shoulders, allot of armor with trench coats or waist capes seem to overly stretch on the model near the feet this does not happen on any other race and its rather off putting.

Vigils Heavy Armor: Seems to bloat out from the leg and seems overly large on the side, its allot more form fitting on the Human Male model.

Koda Armor: The stretching on the shoulders and the waist it is Horrendous! yet if we compare it to a Human male in the same armor its very form fitting. (This has been picked up on a few times, iv seen it posted on the forums more than once)

Nightmare Armor: Seems overly large considering the size of the Male sylvari, this seems to be an issue on other races and may be aesthetics rather than a bug

Heritage shoulders: These seem to have blown out of proportion which is odd as they were fine a few patches ago. A few of the Larger shoulders seem to have this issue.


(edited by Vizen.2049)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Think.8042


Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: T3 Light Armor

There’s already been some discussion about this armor, but the recent patch seems to have changed things again.

Current issues (as of March 26):

  • Shoulderpieces cannot be viewed together with chest. The male chestpiece contains the shoulders, but the female one does not. This was fixed before the update by moving the male model (that has shoulder pieces) to the female model. This caused severe clipping issues (reported earlier) so I’d like to suggest that the female chest stops hiding the shoulderpieces so everybody can decide on their own.
  • The headpiece was significantly reduced in size. This is a huge bummer for an item that cost so much gold. An asura cares for his ears, and the “large” headpiece emphasized them so nicely.

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Twilight is best pony.2536

Twilight is best pony.2536

Hello! I am having an issue with the “Protector’s Helm” (Human Cultural Tier 3 helm, level 80) acquired from “Firenzia” in Divinity’s Reach.

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior

As you can see in the attached video the cloth bit on the helm for males does not have any physics effects while the female version does. I am not wearing shoulders as the ones I am wearing (still human tier 2) block the view of it from the sides making it harder to show this problem. This problem persists no matter what armor you are wearing, I am wearing the human tier 2 armor and it still does not have the effect. This is a minor complain but I did spend 20g on this helm today and would like it to be the best it can! Thanks!


(edited by Twilight is best pony.2536)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kurotsuki.5364


Don’t know if this one has been posted yet.

Race: Sylvari

When you choose the last skin pattern, it causes a bug in this face (and some other faces too): some parts of the face (right eye for this one) have the skin pattern color instead of the skin color.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lediath.7593


Charr Male, I think second thinnest physique : crotch clips through CoF armor…


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hannibalism.9641


Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Mesmer

I can’t change the costume colours of this character. It just reverts back to the original colour.

He deserves better than that…

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Twilight is best pony.2536

Twilight is best pony.2536

Hey, it’s me again. I have noticed another issues on the Avenger’s Armor (the human tier 2 cultural armor, level 60) bought from “Jerafim” in Divinity’s Reach. I have been trying to ignore this issue but after finding this thread I feel the need to post it :P

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior

As you can see in the attached video there is clipping issues in the pants, the chain-mail lining clips through the spiky bit on the pants. This only happens when using a hammer, rifle, greatsword and to a very lesser extend the staff animations (I use a banner for this demonstration as it uses the same running animation) As you can also see there is an additional clipping issue with the front bit clipping through the legs when drawing the greatsword.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Desova.5821


I’m having pretty significant clipping issues around the waist area, to the point where it looks like there’s a hole in my charr’s waist from most angles. And, my double pistols are floating far off of my character’s hips. Neither issue was present until the 26 March patch.

Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Class: Thief

Equipment: Bladechipped Mask (Karma vendor) from Iron Marches, Order of Whispers shoulders, Charr cultural T3 chest armour, Charr cultural T1 gloves, Exotic Duelist’s trousers, Charr cultural T2 boots

Weapons: Venomstriker & Ruinmaker pistols

Photo 1 is of the clipping waist issue, photo 2 is the floating pistols from front view, and photo 3 is of floating pistols from back view.


tasija trickshot | [LZZ] les zélateurs de zaun | arborstone

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BMK.7143


Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Profession: Elementalist
Armor: Cultural T3 (Transmutated)

I do tring to replicate my own Zojja.
but in movie of my personal story, my character lost her helm just like Zojja did.
(Nobody tells me replicate Zojja will also replicate the bug…lol)


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eleima.5027


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Profession: Elementalist
Armor: Cultural T1 (transmutated)

Sorry, the screenshot isn’t all that great, but I’ve noticed that the headpiece placement for my cultural armor (tier one) on my sylvari isn’t ideal. This is only during the “downed” state, it’s perfectly fine otherwise. Definitely a minor bug, but I thought I’d post it here, just in case.
Screenshot on my Steam page


Server: Northern Shiverpeaks (NA)
Guild: Gamers With Jobs

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


how long does it take them to fix a bug like this once posted?

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kerzain.4801


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Profession: Mesmer
Armor: Cultural T2 Transmutated

The Orchid gloves and shoulders do not appear correctly. The gloves show up as a mere tiny polygon on the back of the left hand, and the Orchid shoulders don’t show up at all unless the player takes off their chest armor and/or goes nude.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vargs.6234


Race: Human
Gender: Female

The character select screen frames remove most of my character’s hair, which looks pretty silly. Maybe it does this for party frames too, since they usually seem to be the same as the character select ones? Who knows.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seed.5467


Since there is no Aprils thread , i will post it here.

Race : Human
Sex : Female
Profesion : Warrior
Armor : Barbaric

I have an issue with the “Barbaric Gloves” as the left one which has a big “horn”, goes through my shield. Is it possible to change left glove with the right glove ? Here are some screenshots.

Regards Seed


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jovel.5706


Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Body preset: last one at the bottom right corner, thickest and most curvaceous
Profession: Thief/medium

As you can see, the medium vigil leggings clip right through the flap of leather on the tier 3 medium Norn vest. Also I’ve used a total makeover kit to see if my stomach clips through the tier 3 medium Norn vest with other body types and apparently the body preset I’m using is the only one with this issue, please fix it ArenaNet, I really like this body type and having an expensive piece of cultural armor clip on the race that it’s supposed to be worn on saddens me.

Also my living shortbow from the Hall of Monuments clips through the back piece of the tier 3 cultural armor vest as you can see on the second screenshot.

PS – Please, please, pleeeease fix the clipping issue going on in the stomach, as well as the vigil leggings clipping through the flap infront of the vest.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

Super Staff of the Hydromancer

Race : Norn
Sex : Female
Profession : Mesmer

In the preview pane, the Super Staff (both the skin, and my weapon) shows the bird facing forward when wielded. But on my character it faces to her right, flapping its wings directly in her face. Which would not only be really annoying for her, it makes a potentially awesome staff look rather silly.

Skin was applied to “Imryldyeen” if that makes any difference.

With everyone driving for the greatsword, i’m not sure if this is unique to me, or if it’s a general issue with the skin. But since the preview pane shows the bird facing forward, I am fairly certain its a glitch, not an odd design choice, lol.

I unequipped everything and re equipped only the staff and the problem persisted.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Isabella.5796


Super Longbow Skin

Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Proffession: Warrior

I just got the super longbow skin which I love, but I noticed while firing arrows with the bow, the glowing/animation doesnt bend with the bow, and after attacking for a few seconds, the animations disappears and then reappears periodically. It’s a shame because I love the animation of this bow and it would be great if it worked in combat. See attached screenshots (last screenshot is what it should look like in combat)


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Armor glitch issue: Divinity Council Chestguard + Vigil Leggings, while “Gear Grinding”

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Engineer

It’s a minor graphical glitch, but it seems some parts of my abdomen could be seen when I’m “Gear Grinding” as seen in this YouTube video:

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roo.2037


Race: any
Class: Engineer
Back items still clip with Engineer kits, with Super Adventure backpack it is even worse cause it glows. Back items only disappear for a while when a kit is equipped, but re-appear and stay visible once any ability was used.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shakeit.8706


Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Necromancer

Armor: Shoulder Human T3 Culture

As you can see in the picture some parts of the shoulders are red no matter what color i choose for them. And thats really annoying.. no chance to use other combinations..


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Endemerrin.3129


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Profession: Guardian
Armor: Super Shield Skin

Noticed that the shield’s effect upon wielding only functions correctly if you swap to it while already having a weapon drawn. If you attempt to just draw the shield normally, it spins but the little sword doesn’t drop down.

Made a video to show what I’m talking about.

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Pop Up Chat Boxes Irregularity. I’ll keep updating this thread whenever I see one of the same. Attached sample screenshots of the “irregular” pop up chat boxes

As far as i know, this only happens with Asura NPCs. most of them in Rata Sum.

The Irregularity is: displaying cropped head/face of said NPC.

Npcs at Leatherworks Station – Rata Sum
1) Gorg
2) Hartt

Npcs at College of Synergetics – Rata Sum
3) Jakki
4) Verri
5) Cadiff
6) Cooki
7) Edd

Npcs at College of Dynamics
8) Jekk
9) Witta
10) Vradd

Npcs at tailoring station
11) Mixi
12) Doss

13) Gluffi at (on the “balcony” of Dynamics Union)
14) Budge at Entrance to Dynamics Union

Hallway/entrance to Statics Union
15) Datti
16) Zunn

Hallway to Balcony of Static Union
17) Huda
18) Rigg

Balcony of Static Union
19) Statics Expert Levv
20) Statics Expert Samma

Huntsman Station
21) Statics Expert Guzzap
22) Statics Expert Wimm

Entrance to Synergetics Union
23) Beccu
24) Qimm


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(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


I am making a separate post because this is a different bug.

Instruction Pop-Up boxes in sPvP

Text Layout not wrap properly. I think most of them are bugged, but I’ve only managed to capture a few.


Guild Wars 2 Forever

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


Norn females with the bun haircut get atrocious shadowing on their neck that stops abruptly at their jawline and the back of their neck. Normally this is hidden by longer hairstyles, but the bun haircut causes it to stand out rather profoundly. Essentially, the shadowing is different between the neck and the head model. This only happens with breastplates that feature an exposed neck. This happens no matter how high the settings are placed.

In specific, I’m using the CoF breastplate without helmet.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: killeraled.1950


um this is april and there is no april isuues post so..

1.my feet r coming out the back of my coat (swindlers coat)


i am a hunter you don’t see me, you just die

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: killeraled.1950


and 2. my friends tail (lol) is coming out the back of her coat (medium starter coat)


i am a hunter you don’t see me, you just die

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cameo.4073


Medium body type

Thanks for fixing the issues with weapons clipping the duelist set on female charr looks like the weapon rendering is a smidge further away from the body than it was, which may be causing some of the other comments on how far they seem to be away from narrower built armor sets, like Prowler.

The bottom of the Duelist coat still flares like it is made for a larger charr.

Prowler shoulders are floating on the female model (almost look like they are set for norn or large male charr)


PS As there a lot of issues with the charr models, and it seems like a lot of changes are placeholders to correct the worst problems, will they be getting some extra attention soon? I’m betting you could get plenty of volunteers to go through armor sets systematically and give feedback.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fenrir.7408


Race: Charr
Sex: Male and Female
Armor Set: Heritage Plate

Description: On two successive Charr characters I created, one male, and one female (For which reason I assume this error appears across all body types) I am seeing a very serious texture glitch – The center trimming on the chestpiece appears to be dyed red, and it completely ignores dye colour inputs.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bonzo Meister.7394

Bonzo Meister.7394

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Thief

Issue when wearing Whispers Leggings (Order of Whispers medium leg armor), there is a visible gap in the abdominal area, reminiscent to having the stomach torn/slit open, which is quite disturbing to see and a disincentive to use the armor.

Screenshots shown wearing the full set of Order of Whispers medium armor.

If the chest piece is removed, the issue persists.
If, instead, the leg piece is removed, the issue does not seemingly present itself (no slit visible).

Issue also visible in Hero panel, though to a lesser degree since it is zoomed out (less details).

Issue seems to originate since the Lost Shores major patch, and has not been fixed since then.

Hoping to have this fixed once and for all!


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sedith.5381


Carrion Flame Staff (Charr cultural tier 2) particle effect & glow missing

I am using this staff (transmuted) on my norn elementalist, for some time the particle effect & glow are missing, even though they are visible on the character preview screen.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sedith.5381


Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Class: Warrior
Armor: Warband Spaulders (charr cultural tier 1)
Issue: The armor piece is floating very far away from the character’s shoulders, which looks really bad.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Character’s animation related to weapons
Profession: Ranger
Weapons Involve: Great sword and longbow
Location: In both Pvp and Pve instances.

I am not sure if this is a bug or my computer rendering capability cause it to be so.

The allege bug: switching weapon from great sword to longbow. Character’s animation stuck, while skill bar is displaying longbow skills, animation remain those belonging to great sword.

Happened more than 3 times.


Guild Wars 2 Forever

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Predator.1398


Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior
Armor: Human T3 Gauntlets (heavy)

Protector’s Gauntlets has very noticable clipping issue with Protector’s Chausses.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

Sylvari, male, mesmer. The only armour I’m having issue with is the pvp light Orrian helm.. I think.

My Sylvari has white eyes. I put the helm on and did several PVP matches, and later removed the helm. For some reason, my eyes are now vibrant red, making my poor Sylvari look even more demonic than he usually does. I’ve included images of his eye glitch, and his eyes as they normally look, though he’s wearing a mask.

edit: in the second image, you can see the stamens that project from my brows clipping through my mask.


(edited by Egon Vidar.9125)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: radioakira.8293


Im not quite sure what you call this sort of bug, but Ive been having this issue with any held weapons. For whatever reason, my Asura guardian holds all of her weapons through her wrist/forearm. Items like the Adventure Box coins seem to be held fine. This bug started about a month ago and I still havent gotten any word back from contacting support. Any time I ask in general chat people just make carpal tunnel jokes.

Interestingly, this issue seems to be character specific, to the point where Ive actually logged into my account on a friend’s computer and the bug was still there. No clue whats going on.

Hope something gets resolved soon!


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snapcap.6420


Since the March 26th patch, the PVP Commando’s Helm no longer looks like a helm. It now appears as a mask.

PvP Commando armor is a PvP reward available from wolf reward chests, or crafted at the Mystic Forge.

The female human picture is from GW2Wiki . http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Commando_armor and shows the original art.

The second is also the original art work as shown at Argos Soft.

The final two screens show how the PVP Commando’s Helm looks now on a Male Asura.

Please return the helm to it’s former glory!


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Izaya.2906


Warhorn Howler clips completely with T2 Norn Cultural female light leg armor when it is unsheathed.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dunnowhathuh.3198


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Profession: Guardian
Armor: Heritage pauldrons

The pauldrons are horrendously out of proportion and float on top of the Sylvari’s shoulders. Looks as if he’s wearing shoulders that were made for Norns.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alila.1603


Race: Norn
Sex: Female (created at the smallest available height back at launch).
Profession: Ranger

Problem equipment: Azureflame Longbow (from Mystic Forge)

Basically the Azureflame Longbow is placed too high and to one side of the character when the weapon is stowed on my back. I noticed this first in the preview window, but thought that maybe it was a preview bug. Now I actually crafted the bow, and it really is placed with that offset.

The bow is fine while wielded. It is only the stowed position that seems off.

I looked through the forum and found only one other post about this, in a locked thread from January (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Issues-with-character-art-weapons-or-armor/page/5#post1158428).

Since that post was a few months ago, I wasn’t sure if this was a rare occurrence or not. I figured I would post mine if it helped at all.

EDIT: Minor update just to say that I just transmuted the looks of Azureflame with the stats from another bow. The placement is still off.


(edited by Alila.1603)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: azazil.9541


Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Ranger

Vigil Leggings
Whispers Boots

Attachments explains everything/clipping issue between Vigil Leggings and Whispers Boots.

And proly problem source is Whispers Boots.


(edited by azazil.9541)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Class: Engineer

Armor: Vigil Shoulders
Weapon: Ghastly Shield

The armor and weapon this concerns is the Vigil shoulder armor and Ghastly Shield. I posted here about some clipping issue with the Vigil boots last time (glad to report that they don’t cause anything anymore), but now there’s this.
I didn’t test if this is true for all shields, but I’m guessing it is.

I think we can all agree upon this being a severe clipping issue


(edited by Noxin.5602)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Class: Mesmer

Armor: Invaders Acolyte Leggings (lvl80)

Apparently it’s Find-the-clipping week for me c;
The pants are completely gone from the legs themselves as well as twisting the texture and glow on the legs. No other armor piece seems to affect this occurrence.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: disembodied.5846


Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Class: Elementalist

Armor in question: Flame Legion Mantle, purchased in Lion’s Arch with Flame Legion Charr Carvings (Citadel of Flame)

While most shoulder armor seems to sit perfectly fine on female charr, the Flame Legion Mantle, bizarrely, sits really awkwardly to the point that it is actually completely unattached from the character model and is floating above. I can confirm that this affects male charr, as well. Attached screenshots show it all.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: raahk.2786


Various daggers clip through the medium armor duelist coat when in a combat stance, provided that they are offhanded. This of course includes the legendary dagger, the incinerator, which is something very disappointing to me when I finally acquired it.

In addition, the incinerator itself only gets certain effects based on what hand one is holding it in; if offhanded, you’ll be able to throw the dagger as a thief using “dancing dagger”, but you will not get the flame spiral that you would normally get upon wielding it mainhanded.

For clarity’s sake, incinerator in this screenshot is being mainhanded specifically because of the clipping issue with the duelist coat.

Oh, and my character is a max height/max bulk human male, if that helps any. It seems that there’s a lot of problems with the duelist coat in terms of clipping.


(edited by raahk.2786)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: daver.8324


Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Profession: Warrior

A particular shoulder peace has been cause my weapons (rifle, greatsword and swords and axes) to sit in the wrists and not in my hands. Hiding it relieves the problem but showing returns it. The model/skin is that of a single pauldron on the right shoulder.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trollhammer.7439


Norn tier 2 weapons

still don’t have unique icons


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Race: asura
Gender: male (same issue for female chars)
Profession: thief
Armor: Inquest medium armor
Issue: when i hide my hood some “lines” appear on the neck. Texture bug.

This graphic bug is quite annoying tbh. It’s only visible when the hood is not on/hidden, but it bothers me a lot.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laothwyn.3047


Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior

When holding a greatsword, the right wrist does a full twist. The left hand seems to turn causing the spikes on my armor to bend awkwardly. I believe this also affects females as well, and isn’t based on armor.

The first image is my character coming to a stop after running, looking normal. The other 2 are after he is stopped completely, with and without armor and with a different sword.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elissa.3620


Light armor Ascalonian boots (they were exotic, but I transmuted to a lower level item) on Human female.

When I am running or dancing (probably fighting too, but I don’t notice then!), my knees clip through the boots.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rick.5781


Race: Human
Class: Thief
Body: The one before the most muscular male body.

Graphical Bug: Inquest Gauntlets
The Exotic Medium Inquest Gloves purchased from the Crucible of Eternity vendor in Lion’s Arch has some weird feather like protrusions on the left gauntlet. The right gauntlet is how it should look with no “feathers.”

Graphical Clipping: Duelist Coat
More problems with the Exotic Medium Duelist Coat.
(1) There is still that red line/seem that runs down the center of the coat, as well as another one that runs down the left side of the coat (not pictured). This has been mentioned several times before.
(2) MAJOR clipping going on with this specific race/body type. As you can see from the pictures, boxers as well as most pants will clip through parts of the groin on the left and right (even on very form fitting pants, though not as much). Ive tested several pants and at least 50% have some kind of clipping, so its probably easier to adjust the coat as opposed to each individual pant type.
