Massive Disconnects in WvW

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Batiste.2841


Ever since the recent hot fix, I have been getting disconnected very frequently. Also other people are getting disconnected and reporting massive server lag, and not even during prime time. It is so bad that I can not play for more than 3 minutes before being disconnected now. It seems to be getting worse. People all over the map are reporting disconnects. What is going on ? When/How are you (Anet) going to fix this ?

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dark King Rayleigh.9174

Dark King Rayleigh.9174

This is happening for me too. I get lag, everything freezes and then everyone runs around in super speed for a second.

Usually win in about 10 mins I get DC’d when i get lag and everything freezes again.

Commander Dark King Zoro – Support Guardian
Dark King Brook – DPS Necro
[BT] – Blackgate

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Same here since the last patch,never had issues with this game before.The game is pretty much unplayable for me atm,even went so far to completely reinstall windows and thus guild wars 2 aswell,but to no avail.I keep crashing every10 – 30m with no error showing,all my other games work fine.

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Opium Prime.1369

Opium Prime.1369

I’m having the same problem. This only happens when I’m playing in WvW though.

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: See I Nix Ten.2501

See I Nix Ten.2501

Game is working fine for the most part for me, but for some reason when I tpvp I disconnect every 30 seconds or so. It is usually because of my terrible internet service, but TS/Mumble and other voice comms still work fine so I know it has something to do with the server.

Peter Nor/Not Peter (SM) – Warrior/Necro
The ShadowMoon

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


The disconnects are not happening anymore for me.But i do think it may also be related to my ISP or my router aswell,since my internet was acting kinda weird aswell even after the windows reinstall.Pages not fully loading or slower then before,downloadspeed very unstable,especially with a p2p program.Getting very short disconnects that happend randomly and lasts for about 10 sec.

I have reinstalled windows
reinstalled gw2
using /client port 80
released and renewed ip adress,same for dns
setting up a static ip
reset router to factorysettings
disabling all firewalls in my router (now enabled again)

Called my isp to explain the problems but they couldnt find anything.They’l come in about 2 weeks to possibly replace my router anyway.
But for now i was able to atleast play all night without a crash.

Pages load with normal speed,download speed is still somewhat off,especially witha p2p program its just a nogo,normally downloading with 7mb+ now my max is around 300KB.. ( upload speed however seems fine).My isp has no limits and is not using any traffic shaping,so this is not the case.

Edit: Few hours later,now my downloads speeds are back to normal again aswell,all seems was def my ISP,just a coincidence it started happening Right after the patch.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Massive Disconnects in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


ISPs are notorious for saying “it must be on your end or in your equipment” instead of checking their own lines, etc. We have Comcast (affectionately known as Comcrash) and I finally got hold of a supervisor who had been with them since the dinosaurs. I explained our problem of fluctuating internet connectivity, and the very next morning a bucket truck showed up. Sure enough not only was the line from their pole replaced (nothing wrong with it) but later they found 2 or 3 of their boxes along the route to our house were bad to one degree or another. Once replaced, no more problems.

It is sad you have to fight just to get them to provide the service they charge you for. Even harder to find a knowledgeable individual who can understand your problem and actually fix it.

(edited by lynspottery.6529)