Massive Disconnects in WvWvW
fix the disconnects !!!
always happen
Fix this problem Anet.
anger, anger… leads to suffering!
“Of all the thing i miss my mind the most.”
So, I found that when running with a Dorito up I was more likely to DC during Keep Boss fights and large scale encounters. Just a guildies theory, but maybe it has something to do with the, hereto Borked, new Squad UI?
When I stopped running the tag the issues went away.
Having said that, others were DC-ing as well who weren’t tagged.
Same with me. I’ve not had these types of disconnects in a long time. Please fix.
Since HoT i have been getting disconnected during zerg battles..
I keep crashing ever time every where when i i have bigger blob of ppl. Either in WVW or PVE events just out of blue game crashes.
Cant do anything bigger i end up DC all the time.
BTW dont but WVW in such titels you know Anet will ignore thous topics like fire !!
The lag is insane in every single large battle (25+ each side).