Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’
Massive drop in fps at CoF
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’
I can confirm that this happens. I have a brand new PC, Intel I7 4770k (3.5 Ghz) with a GTX 770 Ltd (4 GB Memory) and a 750 Watt power supply. There is definitely no issue with cooling or low power.
I run the game with every setting cranked/turned on as high as it can go (with the exception of Vsync as I don’t need it) and I usually run between 90 and 140 FPS. I run at 50 while fighting Maw or Shadow Behemoth, which are very, very, graphic intense.
It is quite disturbing to see it drop to 23 FPS when looking towards the gate in CoF (I have noticed that it starts when the tall spire thing in the back ground comes up). The only thing I can think of is that the game is trying to render as high quality as possible, regardless of the LOD distance. Normally if there is a lot of detail far away, turning the LOD down will help (Lion’s Arch), but not here.
Quick Fix: In your Graphics Settings tab, under Options, ensure “Effect LOD” is ticked as well as “Vertical Sync”. This will increase your FPS by decreasing the particle(s) that are loaded.
I reported this several times. This happens when you look at the sky in the center. Probably they are some massive number objects over there which should be optimized.
A lot of the time aNet uses the same map/area for multiple things and because of how the engine works they can use different heights on the map for these areas. ie; ‘ground level’ is Swampland Fractal, but 500 feet up is Uncatagorized Fractal. It could be that because of the settings you’re using, like; LOD Distance, is trying to pick these up. Again, ticking that box will improve your fps.
This has been happening me since 2012, I just open the door quickly and my fps returns to normal.