Master Achievement reward grayed out
appears the same to me, even though I obtained the achievement and the reward
Every achievement, or enough for the reward?
Perhaps, one must finish all 31 achievements, rather than the 23 or 26. Just a thought.
Same issue here, completed every achievement minus the 40 token hunt and the jump puzzle.
I’ve been awarded the shoulder pad reward already (when I logged in after the recent patch that lowered the requirements) but it’s greyed out and shows 6/7 completed. Looks like the patch bugged the panel.
Every achievement, or enough for the reward?
Perhaps, one must finish all 31 achievements, rather than the 23 or 26. Just a thought.
It’s not true for the other umbrella story achievements, so I doubt they changed it just this one time. It seems to be a side effect of lowering the requirement from 26 to 23.
It seems to be a side effect of lowering the requirement from 26 to 23.
Has nothing to do with that ’cause the bug is affecting all season three episodes (ever since episode one released).
It seems to be a side effect of lowering the requirement from 26 to 23.
Has nothing to do with that ’cause the bug is affecting all season three episodes (ever since episode one released).
Oh? I’m only seeing it for episode 2.
I have it on Episode 1. The bug, I mean.
Maybe when they fixed the Living Story Season Two Episodes (in Gem Store), it somehow affected the Story Journal. Though, I would not know why that would be, but stranger things have happened.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
I have it on Episode 1.
Maybe when they fixed the Living Story Season Two Episodes (in Gem Store), it somehow affected the Story Journal. Though, I would not know why that would be, but stranger things have happened.
You have to be careful when fixing butterfly wings in Brazil that they don’t cause a hurricane in Miami
I also have this issue. The reward is grayed out even though I completed the story and got ALL the achievements from the Story category…
You also need to do all the hidden achievements as well if it is like the previous episode. I guess that has a useful purpose. Until it lights up anyone looking to do all the achievements would know if there any hidden ones left.
You also need to do all the hidden achievements as well if it is like the previous episode. I guess that has a useful purpose. Until it lights up anyone looking to do all the achievements would know if there any hidden ones left.
I guess that makes sense but if thats the case the Master reward should require all achievements instead of 23 (26?)
I don’t see why one must be equal to the other. One is for getting a particular reward. The other is an indicator for doing all available achievements.
I vaguely remember a dev mention on Reddit that the meta achievement is not supposed to require all titles. Didn’t they lower the requirement down to 23? Did it not work?
I vaguely remember a dev mention on Reddit that the meta achievement is not supposed to require all titles. Didn’t they lower the requirement down to 23? Did it not work?
Your talking about 2 different things, the meta achievement for Ember Bay was lowered to 23 from 26, and you will get the meta reward for 23 events now,
The living story part can have hidden achievements in it, ( like the Bloodstone Fen one did ) in this instance if you have done all 26 of 26 and its still greyed out then its probably a bug, I know there are a few story related rewards listed under Ember Bay in the story part of the achievement panel.
I am also affected by this bug.
Today I finished off every known achievement in the Rising Flames category, with the exception of Patron (1,000g price tag) and The Friendly Ghost (started to work on that one today).
Before the required number of achievements was lowered to 23, down from 26, I think I actually had exactly 23. This is probably the consequence of that change.
How widespread this is, I do not know. I’ve not seen anybody talking about it in-game and not many people have commented in this thread. It would be excellent if somebody at ArenaNet could comment and tell us that they are aware of it.
Same problem here. Have the mastery achievement, got the item but no achievement completion.
You also need to do all the hidden achievements as well if it is like the previous episode. I guess that has a useful purpose. Until it lights up anyone looking to do all the achievements would know if there any hidden ones left.
This what causes the thing I called a “bug” , a friend is missing the “Don’t Cross Lines” (or whatever it’s called) in Bloodstone Fen and his Out of The Shadows Master Achievement reward is grayed out. I guess it’s a way to check for hidden achievements even though it’s oddly implemented. I guess it’s solved now.
Same problem here. Have the mastery achievement, got the item but no achievement completion.
That screenshot looks like you got everything except for a color change. Except for obsessive compulsive people I don’t see what the big deal is.
Same problem here. Have the mastery achievement, got the item but no achievement completion.
That screenshot looks like you got everything except for a color change. Except for obsessive compulsive people I don’t see what the big deal is.
That’s what this thread is about…no ‘color change’. Nothing to do with OCD. If something is not working in the game as intended, one submits a bug report; either here or in-game. Just as the Devs state.
Same problem here. Have the mastery achievement, got the item but no achievement completion.
That screenshot looks like you got everything except for a color change. Except for obsessive compulsive people I don’t see what the big deal is.
That’s what this thread is about…no ‘color change’. Nothing to do with OCD. If something is not working in the game as intended, one submits a bug report; either here or in-game. Just as the Devs state.
“no achievement completion” implies there is something else missing
Then, perhaps they’ve changed the mechanic, because the ‘medals’ are colored in other LS Episodes without having to do all available.
Who knows?
If it’s a ‘bug’, it’s been brought to the Devs’ attention, and may be ‘fixed’. If not…. /shrug
Just got the master achievement. It seems you need to finish 32 achievements, including JP, tokens and Friendly Ghost… I did not do Patron, however.
So, it is not a bug.
I can cnofirm that you need all hidden achievements for this. I got my Bloodstone Crown
and meta achievment but the story Page still showed grayed out. I checked Dulfy for hidden achievments and found out I was missing “Don’t Cross the Streams”. When I finished that achievment, my story mastery turned gold.
I find this irritating, hidden achievements are hidden for a reason. They should never contribute to a meta anyway. If you need to check a guide to get a mastery then it should be considered ill implemented.
all it does is change the color of the icon. It does not contribute ot the meta. IF it did you wouldn’t have gotten the crown.