Master Mining Pick
I believe these picks are equivalent to steel pics. You got lucky the first day. You might as well throw these out.
Actually noticed this as well.
Got a Master Mining Pick from my Personal Story and went to use it, and got ruined ore. Switched back to my Orichalcum Pick, and started getting Ore again.
Thought the Master Mining Picks were supposed to be the best Picks?
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Master Sickles work just fine with everything, omnomberries included, while both Master Axes and Master Picks work as Steel equivalents.
Rightclick, destroy.
I have had it the otherway around, where my master mining pick does everything but the sickle only does up the mithril level…
Could it be bugged to some sort of quality level based on the zone you received it in?
These things were just horribly designed. They have no tool tip information as to what they are good for. Not only that you get them at two different stages and so they are easily mixed up as to which ones are higher level (if they even are) and which are lower level (if they even are).
The best way to handle them is to simply throw them out.
Worthless and confusing. Grade F quality.
I had the same problem. I got a Master Sickle and Master Mining Axe at nearly the same time. Mining axe gave me ruined ore on Platinum, the sickly gave me good stuff on higher end plants….they are kinda messed up.
They still seem to work on mithril but I can’t get it took work on ori ore anymore.