Master of Misdirection
I did some testing on this trait, and it is very limited in what skills and effects receive the 33% duration buff.
The only effects that receive the buff are:
-Weapon skills like Confusing Images (scepter 3)
-When you trigger an ethereal field with the correct combo finisher.
-Torch Skill Prestige combined with Blinding Befuddlement (confusion on blind)
Also even though weapon skills receive the bonus duration the tool tip is NOT updated to reflect this like it is when you improve condition duration in other ways.
The effects that are not effected by Master of Misdirection are:
-Cry of Frustration
-All shatters whit the the Illusory Retribution Trait Illusions (15)
-The on death effects of clones like the Confusing Combatants trait (Dueling 25)
-The Confusing attack from the Phantasmal Mage (Torch 4)
However any other form of condition duration bonus dose improve all of the above traits, and correctly updates the skill tool tips.
I think this skill is working as intended, but the tool tip should make it clear the bonus only applies to skills you use and not powers triggered through phantoms/clones.
(edited by SuperBrian.7015)