Masteries locked up
What do you mean when you say it’s locked? What tier have you gotten to in the Legendary Crafting mastery? Do you have Central Tyria Mastery Points to use to unlock the next tier? If you have the time, uploading a screenshot of your Mastery tab in the Hero Panel might help us see what might be going on.
As for your experience bar, in which maps do you see it “disappear”?
well the exp will be dumped into pact comander or fractal master untill level 1 or what ever level your on of those fill up then exp will go nowere untill you get enough core tyria mastery points to unlock the next tier of either.
Legendary crafting, pact commander or fractal mastery.
What maps are you missing exp bar on?
Dont do several tickets it dont speed up the prosses only make your and others wait longer
(edited by Linken.6345)
got all the maps explored, got 2.222.500 experience, unlocked all the masteries with 6 points already into Legendary crafting, got 6 more points to spend , but there is a padlock now on this mastery (also on my maguma masteries which I started.
So, yes I am already doing lots of masteries, No I am missing no maps, my XP bar just disapeares in some of my (already known) maps.
(I got world exploration completed)
I suppose the bug is related to this disappearence.
have you done the ls2 yet ?? they got a lot of masterys locked in it as well
got all the maps explored, got 2.222.500 experience, unlocked all the masteries with 6 points already into Legendary crafting, got 6 more points to spend , but there is a padlock now on this mastery (also on my maguma masteries which I started.
So, yes I am already doing lots of masteries, No I am missing no maps, my XP bar just disapeares in some of my (already known) maps.
(I got world exploration completed)
I suppose the bug is related to this disappearence.
We weren’t asking if you’d done map completion; we were just asking which maps make your XP bar disappear.
It would really help if you could post a screenshot of your Mastery tab in your Hero panel. That way we could get a better idea of what’s going on.
Can you post a screenshot, including showing the Mini-map?
Do be aware: any ‘tickets’ submitted in-game are not tickets, but bug reports, and will garner no response, as indicated on the Bug Report window.
Support tickets are submitted via web-form accessed through the ‘Support’ link above/below (or on any site page).
Good luck.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
For legendary weapon mastery, have you fully trained the last tier of that mastery? You cannot spend mastery points until you have fully trained that tier. You must also do each tier in order and cannot pick and choose which to unlock. You’ll also need nine points, not six. You also cannot have spent just six mastery points in the legendary mastery as nothing adds up to that total. You’d either have spent 1, 4, 10, or 19 mastery points depending on your progression.
you need 9 points to unlock that mastery
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
As nottsgman says, you don’t have enough Central Tyria Mastery Points to unlock the last tier. You’re still gaining exp, but your bar will show you as full because you’re still “training” that last tier; once you get 3 more Mastery points, you can complete that tier and then choose a new Mastery to train up.
As someone suggested above, you can earn some more Central Tyria Mastery points by doing the old Living Story Season 2 achievements, as well as some other achievements.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
tsssss, ok I stand corrected , Got into the wrong idea that 6 points where already used.
My excussess for this.
tsssss, ok I stand corrected , Got into the wrong idea that 6 points where already used.
My excussess for this.
Its all good glad we could help you sort it out.