Mesmer Greatsword bugs

Mesmer Greatsword bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angelus.6132


Phantasmal Berserker sometimes isn’t doing any damage, at all.

It seems to be a timing issue. Before the patch on 11/15/12, the berserker would hit 3 times, and now it only hits one, against it’s primary target. Sometimes it misses completely, and doesn’t do any damage. The whirl damage area is starting later than it used to.

Please revert this timing back to pre 11/15/12

This drops phantasmal berserker damage so low, I’m better off doing auto attack. It’s far lower than any other phantasm.

Also, with the new LOS change, even when I have clear LOS (I zoomed in and checked from head point of view to make sure) vs an enemy on a wall in WvW, I often can’t summon phantasms, due to obstruction.

My suggestion to fix that, have the LOS check for an arc, instead of a linear LOS.

Mirrorblade hits fine, while greatsword auto attack gets obstructed continuously. Having LOS check as an arc would fix the issue.