Mesmer Mind Spike bug

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


Mesmer mind spike deals less damage if u have boons on you as shown:
1) No boons on mesmer Mind Spike deals 198 damage instead (no traits)
2) With Vigor on mesmer, it deals 165 damage instead (5 points in dueling for vigor on critical trait)

The issue is discovered by Baa.4582 and i am just bringing it to the bug forum with pictures for attention.(


Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brunobyof.3541


As of patch released on 25th june:

•Mind Spike: Reduced the base damage by 20%. This skill does an additional 50% damage to targets with no boons.

This Bug is reported also on the WIKI:
They must have swapped the parameters of the skill on the patch and put the wrong one….

It should be +50% dmg on TARGETS with no boons, and not +20% dmg on target if YOU have no boons.

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


As of patch released on 25th june:

•Mind Spike: Reduced the base damage by 20%. This skill does an additional 50% damage to targets with no boons.

This Bug is reported also on the WIKI:
They must have swapped the parameters of the skill on the patch and put the wrong one….

It should be +50% dmg on TARGETS with no boons, and not +20% dmg on target if YOU have no boons.

The gw2 wiki content is created, maintained, and administrated by players. Hence i am not sure if anet developers is aware of this bug or not and they didnt respond on the post in mesmer forum.

Either way i am just hoping to highlight this issue with the mesmer auto attack chain that is causing my mesmer to deal lower damage than they are supposed to. Its already low enough

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brunobyof.3541


Yes, i just mentioned wiki in case you don’t know about that.

And yes again, Mind Spike is now a crappy skill because i would prefer to keep my phantasms alive doing damage over time than shattering them. Even if there is only one target. besides, phantasms can be set as targets by your enemy, saving your HP, while if you shatter them you would be the only target.

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

Yes, i just mentioned wiki in case you don’t know about that.

And yes again, Mind Spike is now a crappy skill because i would prefer to keep my phantasms alive doing damage over time than shattering them. Even if there is only one target. besides, phantasms can be set as targets by your enemy, saving your HP, while if you shatter them you would be the only target.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. The autoattack for mainhand sword has absolutely nothing to do with shattering clones or phantasms.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


Yes, i just mentioned wiki in case you don’t know about that.

And yes again, Mind Spike is now a crappy skill because i would prefer to keep my phantasms alive doing damage over time than shattering them. Even if there is only one target. besides, phantasms can be set as targets by your enemy, saving your HP, while if you shatter them you would be the only target.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. The autoattack for mainhand sword has absolutely nothing to do with shattering clones or phantasms.

I think he misunderstood and thought i was referring to mind wrack(F1 shatter) since mesmer have so many ‘mind’ attacks, (Mind Spike/Mind stab/Mind slash/Mind Gash/Mind Blast) and he seems to be a phantasm mesmer.

Mind Spike is the 3rd hit on the sword auto attack just for clarification sake.

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brunobyof.3541


Yes, i just mentioned wiki in case you don’t know about that.

And yes again, Mind Spike is now a crappy skill because i would prefer to keep my phantasms alive doing damage over time than shattering them. Even if there is only one target. besides, phantasms can be set as targets by your enemy, saving your HP, while if you shatter them you would be the only target.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. The autoattack for mainhand sword has absolutely nothing to do with shattering clones or phantasms.

I think he misunderstood and thought i was referring to mind wrack(F1 shatter) since mesmer have so many ‘mind’ attacks, (Mind Spike/Mind stab/Mind slash/Mind Gash/Mind Blast) and he seems to be a phantasm mesmer.

Mind Spike is the 3rd hit on the sword auto attack just for clarification sake.

Exactly…sorry for the mistake.
Mind wrack is probably working fine, but my thoughts about it still applies.
Concerning mind spike, i need to check again to see if this happens to me either.

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


Bringing up for attention since not mentioned in july 9th patch

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


Bringing up for attention since not mentioned on july 23th patch.

Tested and confirmed still bugged.

1)Higher damage for mind spike if mesmer has no boons(211 damage).
2)Lower damage for mind spike if mesmer has vigor (176 damage)
3)Lower damage for mind spike if mesmer has 3 might stacks (182damage)

(2) was tested by adding 5 points in duelling for vigor on critical trait
(3) was tested by using Sigil of battle

All tested against heavy armour golem using pvp steady sword in heart of the mist and 0 trait points on mesmer except for case 2

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xavi.6591



Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
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Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brunobyof.3541


Since we are constantly buffed while doing dungeons and, in some cases even while on solo PvE, this change has actually NERFED Mesmer’s ‘Mind Spike’ skill instead of buffing it.

Pleasecorrect this ASAP. The DMG needs to be higher when the ACTUAL TARGET has no boons, not when the MESMER has no boons. At least this is what is written on the patch notes…

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sokh.2097


Mind Spike is still bugged following the latest patch.

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ethics.4519


This is news to be, and completely appalling.

What an idiotic mistake. I’m sure we will hear some BS story just like the izerker bug and the horrible ‘pentagon’ picture.

It’s almost impossible to be boon-less in this game in a party, this needs to be fixed ASAP

RIP in peace Robert

Mesmer Mind Spike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faedrivin.5382


I think someone who had to implement that change just misunderstood the wording. “20 % less damage. Okay. 50% more damage with no boons. Okay.”
Still a bug I didn’t notice and I play sword the whole time :-O

Septimum Confoederatio Draconis [Sept]
Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)
Human Mesmer