Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

Has anyone else had this bug? My guildmate told me that he had swiftness granted from another player, then put down his temporal curtain (focus skill 4), and there was no reaction at all. I, too, tried this on my Mesmer. I was granted speed from a guardian’s staff skill, then used my temporal curtain and received no speed boost at all.

However, when I used temporal curtain on my own, I was able to get the speed boost. It seems as though Temporal Curtain’s speed boost is not stacking with others. Is this intentional? If it is, that’s not quite fair… mesmers already don’t have very much speed to begin with.

Thanks ahead of time, devs, if you look into this!

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aniltiger.9186


I think it’s intentional as it could easily be exploited.
Imagine if you put down Temportal Curtain and run past it sevral times by going back and forth with +12~ sec swiftness each time you past it. Then a mesmer would have 100% Swiftness uptime as the CD is only 25 sec (20 with trait).

So in the future, get your swiftness from your Temportal Curtain before recieving any swiftness boost from any other player.

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

Hm. That’s an interesting thought. Didn’t really think about it that way. I obviously don’t play Mesmer enough to think of the exploits. Thanks for the response, though! I’ll pass it along to my guildies so they know of it, too.

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It’s the same with Guardian’s Symbol of Swiftness.

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aniltiger.9186


You’re welcome!
Since Mesmers have a lack of off combat movement speed so a tip for your friend would be to get Superior rune of the traveler which can give him 25% speed outside of combat which is quite neat!

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Day Trooper.3605

Day Trooper.3605

I think it’s intentional as it could easily be exploited.
Imagine if you put down Temportal Curtain and run past it sevral times by going back and forth with +12~ sec swiftness each time you past it. Then a mesmer would have 100% Swiftness uptime as the CD is only 25 sec (20 with trait).

So in the future, get your swiftness from your Temportal Curtain before recieving any swiftness boost from any other player.

I actually noticed this behaviour recently and was wondering if it were a bug – but based on your explanation I can see why the devs did it this way.

Also, using 6xSuperior Rune of the Centaur is an option too for near permanent swiftness.

Mesmer Temporal Curtain BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

I always hated this since release, why can’t they just fix it so it stacks with others, but not with itself? Giving it an internal cooldown on itself only. This would fix the bug and the possible exploit of stacking infinite swiftness.

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