Mesmer illusionary zerker Bug Report
WvW was pretty rough this weekend, large scale pvp is rough when one of your only real aoe damage sources hits like a wet noodle.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
so whats up here?
we got to wait 2 month again before anything happens?
if this about spvp might wanna show us some numbers why u balance the game arround soem fun stuff which i think hardly anyone plays serious of the total game population
else please just fix this already getting boring, that this spell is broken everytime mesmer gets adjusted
This is extremely frustrating as this is our ONLY long distance power weapon… Staff doesn’t match the damage and scepter attack is too slow to match it when are we getting an answer on progress at least?
As of last night it is still hitting for minimal damage comparative to what it used to. WvW has definitely been more interesting lately because if this, but I’m totally ready for this skill to be useful again again. Whenever you’re ready Anet, waiting on you…
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
Fingers crossed that a fix for this will be in the patch on the 26th, if not before.
Why is it behaving differently?
This is something I have been wondering myself. Anyways, still bugged after last night…enemies have stopped even trying to dodge the phantasm now. Even they have noticed it doesn’t hit very hard.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
Which is very sad… One time last night I got hit by one for 4K and was actually happy… Went to equip my greatsword… And it hit for 1k… That is it… It is really frustrating to have to worry about logging on to your main after every patch because you have to wonder “how will I have to change my build because of what’s they most likely broke?”
Which is very sad… One time last night I got hit by one for 4K and was actually happy… Went to equip my greatsword… And it hit for 1k… That is it… It is really frustrating to have to worry about logging on to your main after every patch because you have to wonder “how will I have to change my build because of what’s they most likely broke?”
Yea, I have still been using the GS primarily because I refuse to let this bug dictate how I play, but it still has not been pretty. Still hoping we see a fix soon or at least get an update on how long they think it’s going to take to iron out this new wrinkle.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
Fingers crossed that a fix for this will be in the patch on the 26th, if not before.
my money is on “not even then”. :sadface:
this not caring to fix bugs mentality is getting old
BUT HEY BE HAPPY!…. The very low hitting auto attack is gonna be very low hitting more than 1 person now! And the joke from Anet will be “But we buffed the GS, why you mad that your phantasm doesn’t work?” seriously SAD.
I remember some patch note said phantasm dmg was reduced in return to increased attack frequency
I remember some patch note said phantasm dmg was reduced in return to increased attack frequency
from the 14th december patch
Phantasmal Mariner [sic]: This phantasm now attacks more often, but does damage in line with its attack rate.
nothing to do with iBerserker :y
I remember some patch note said phantasm dmg was reduced in return to increased attack frequency
from the 14th december patch
Phantasmal Mariner [sic]: This phantasm now attacks more often, but does damage in line with its attack rate.nothing to do with iBerserker :y
Yup… and everytime I get hit with the zerker in PvP I am somewhat happy if I see that it was with a big number…
Whats really messed up is, when we had the bug at the beginning of the patch that buffed us, within 72 hrs (or less) they fixed it (while managing to break the skill that was buffed in the process), but the bug that nerfs us they take their sweet time like were just gonna move on and forget it.. hello! its one of our number 1 dps (if not the top dps) we have… anywayz ill be giving them the same treatment they are giving my main “the cold-shoulder” havnt logged in for 2 weeks and honestly even without the bug being the reason, i really dnt miss it.
Monday has passed not even an update. I spose we must wait for the patch for them to even fix it (hey the prestige bug took em a blasted 48 hours!). But maybe with the new GS “buff” they are just going to leave it alone and say “We feel the Mesmer GS is in a good place with this new buff to the beam attack… iZerker is behaving as it should” More like the same load we got when they adjusted the tool tip on portal rather then adjusting the skill to match the tooltip! Any change to make us a little bit stronger is not implemented but any bug that severely cripples us (see what I did there) is just swept under the rug because they are still dealing with hot join heroes griping about how they think Mesmers are OP.
Always say less than necessary.
Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.
Do Not Commit to Anyone.
laws of power. they seem to be using them as a forum philosophy.
i feel more insulted when im stealth nerfed and treated as if im too dumb to notice rather then really nerfed and my class is ruined on purpose.
we were told it was an accident. they know the only changes that could have caused this since it was a limited patch only effecting a hand full of skills. (none that were really directed at the izerker) in this amount of time they cant figure out what of the 5 changes they made caused this?
the prestiege was fixed almost instantly and that was a weapon noone used in comparison to the greatsword.
Always say less than necessary.
Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.
Do Not Commit to Anyone.laws of power. they seem to be using them as a forum philosophy.
i feel more insulted when im stealth nerfed and treated as if im too dumb to notice rather then really nerfed and my class is ruined on purpose.
we were told it was an accident. they know the only changes that could have caused this since it was a limited patch only effecting a hand full of skills. (none that were really directed at the izerker) in this amount of time they cant figure out what of the 5 changes they made caused this?
the prestiege was fixed almost instantly and that was a weapon noone used in comparison to the greatsword.
And now they are hoping the amazing fix to the prestige will make people forget that the GS is pretty lame… But hey with the “improved” beam attack who cares if they iZerker doesn’t hit as hard as a kitten of kitty cat.
Still bugged. Finger’s crossed they decide to fix it in the patch next week. Otherwise it likely won’t be fixed.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
Is there anyway we can get a recent update on how this issue is coming? Will it be addressed in the newest patch at least? The new “piercing” beam attack is going to be miniscule if our phantasm can’t even do damage after the patch is introduced… Just some update on how looking into the problem is going… I wanna use my GS anet. :/
I dont think this problem is exclusive to mesmers…
I think it has to do with pet/minion/clone crit damage
pre patch my eagle was critting a heavy golem for 2k
post patch my eagle cant get above 1.7k
I dont think this problem is exclusive to mesmers…
I think it has to do with pet/minion/clone crit damage
pre patch my eagle was critting a heavy golem for 2k
post patch my eagle cant get above 1.7k
Mmm… well all of our other phantasms are behaving normally… So that is why we are bringing up the zerker…. Idk how the damage on the ranger pets scales with player stats… but this skill should not be hitting for 900-1k on a crit in full zerker/power runes.
I dont think this problem is exclusive to mesmers…
I think it has to do with pet/minion/clone crit damage
pre patch my eagle was critting a heavy golem for 2k
post patch my eagle cant get above 1.7k
I wish is was a simple as all “pets” not doing the damage they were supposed to. I feel like it would have been fixed already if that were the case. Since it hasn’t been fixed yet I’m guessing the bug is pretty complicated and they haven’t been able to lock down the source of it yet. I am choosing to believe that, because the next likely alternatives are that they either don’t see this bug as important or they are leaving it like that because they want to nerf Mesmer’s and this “bug” intentional or not basically did that for them. I don’t like those two alternatives so I will give Anet the benefit of the doubt, because if this bug is here to stay then I may be shelving this game game for a while.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
I dont think this problem is exclusive to mesmers…
I think it has to do with pet/minion/clone crit damage
pre patch my eagle was critting a heavy golem for 2k
post patch my eagle cant get above 1.7kI wish is was a simple as all “pets” not doing the damage they were supposed to. I feel like it would have been fixed already if that were the case. Since it hasn’t been fixed yet I’m guessing the bug is pretty complicated and they haven’t been able to lock down the source of it yet. I am choosing to believe that, because the next likely alternatives are that they either don’t see this bug as important or they are leaving it like that because they want to nerf Mesmer’s and this “bug” intentional or not basically did that for them. I don’t like those two alternatives so I will give Anet the benefit of the doubt, because if this bug is here to stay then I may be shelving this game game for a while.
Well it was acknowledged they don’t know where it came from… however… If they were to just fix it in the up coming patch I would be okay… Or if they were to just tell us SOME progress being made.
Well it was acknowledged they don’t know where it came from… however… If they were to just fix it in the up coming patch I would be okay… Or if they were to just tell us SOME progress being made.
That’s what I’m hoping for too. This patch will ultimately decide if I need to switch to one of my other 80s that I have to then farm new exotic gear for (bleh) or just hang up my hat on GW2 until they fix it. I really love the game though, so I’m hoping this patch resolves the issue. I just hate feeling so crippled when using my favorite weapon.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
Well it was acknowledged they don’t know where it came from… however… If they were to just fix it in the up coming patch I would be okay… Or if they were to just tell us SOME progress being made.
That’s what I’m hoping for too. This patch will ultimately decide if I need to switch to one of my other 80s that I have to then farm new exotic gear for (bleh) or just hang up my hat on GW2 until they fix it. I really love the game though, so I’m hoping this patch resolves the issue. I just hate feeling so crippled when using my favorite weapon.
What is really infuriating is other players (that dont use GS) call it a NOOB only weapon and that it in general sucks… However we cannot catch runners without it.. Even if we have swiftness… Other classes have better access to it… so we can’t catch them even freaking necros. It is a very good way of stacking might… However if the phantasm for this weapon misses most of its attacks… Why should we use it… The might isn’t worth the lack of damage from the phantasm and the beam attack piercing while cool… Isn’t worth a kitten if the phantasm still sucks.
seems silly to say greatsword is a noob weapon when the alternative is a defensive crutch. harder to fight mid field vs more then 1 person. greatsword keeps pressure and damage on your target adding cc with wave. staff stalls and trys to stay alive doing chip damage until your next i leap combo is ready.
taking the bite out of izerker takes half the function out of the weapon. yes im just complaining to bump this because we have had no follow up to this situation. i dont want new content.. i want old content to work properly.
(edited by zaxon.6819)
seems silly to say greatsword is a noob weapon when the alternative is a defensive crutch. harder to fight mid field vs more then 1 person. greatsword keeps pressure and damage on your target adding cc with wave. staff stalls and trys to stay alive doing chip damage until your next i leap combo is ready.
taking the bite out of izerker takes half the function out of the weapon.
Pretty much… I really hate that the phantasm is kitten big time right now… I just don’t feel like this is a high priority for them… But making the “beam” attack pierce is… Which really… Noone even cared about that… We were happy with the GS as it was.
Has this been addressed yet? Do we need to wait for the patch?
we do not know what is needed to get this worked on. they said that they would maybe kinda look into it and see if anything smacks them in the face as a mistake. it may be all pets that have been nerfed. they havent said a word to anyone about progress. if it was going to end up fixed in the next patch they would have said something. looks like this is a long term nerf weather it was a mistake or not. wish they would be more active commenting on stealth nerfs or development errors the least we can do is keep this topic at the top of the front page so they dont fix any of this pvp graphics glitches before addressing gameplay errors they have caused.
Not all pets have been nerfed… When fighting a ranger.. their pet is usually still the highest damager… And our other phantasms still hit just as hard… But the zerker is flat missing 3/4 of its attacks…. Its not necessarily a damage issue but a missing issue.
Not all pets have been nerfed… When fighting a ranger.. their pet is usually still the highest damager… And our other phantasms still hit just as hard… But the zerker is flat missing 3/4 of its attacks…. Its not necessarily a damage issue but a missing issue.
This. Maybe it has something to do with all the terrain issues and perhaps some one tried to fix the terrain/pathing/clone issues and that’s what broke the iZerker. Who know’s really?
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
Not all pets have been nerfed… When fighting a ranger.. their pet is usually still the highest damager… And our other phantasms still hit just as hard… But the zerker is flat missing 3/4 of its attacks…. Its not necessarily a damage issue but a missing issue.
This. Maybe it has something to do with all the terrain issues and perhaps some one tried to fix the terrain/pathing/clone issues and that’s what broke the iZerker. Who know’s really?
So its either we have one broken thing? or something else that is broken more so… Ugh…
the damage reduction is in effect in LA on the training dummies. there should be 0 pathing issues since the ground is flat and the izerkers do not even move through the target when they attack. they spin in place in range of thier target.
Can anyone with recording capability on their computer put up a new video of it happening on the golems in HOTM.
Can anyone with recording capability on their computer put up a new video of it happening on the golems in HOTM.
forgot how to scroll up? :P
i’m gonna jump on the “patch on 26th is make or break”-train too, so fed up with all these bugs fingers crossed!
Can anyone with recording capability on their computer put up a new video of it happening on the golems in HOTM.
forgot how to scroll up? :P
i’m gonna jump on the “patch on 26th is make or break”-train too, so fed up with all these bugs
fingers crossed!
I mean a new video aside from the one that is up there. A current one showing the bug just hasn’t magically disappeared; and it would also show that our outrage over this bug has not disappeared… That is why I asked for a new one. Not because I am unaware of the one that is here already.
Hope this gets fixed Tuesday. It’s been about a month.
Tomorrow is the patch… Hopefully they will have addressed this…
Hey all,
Unfortunately, we haven’t found out why the Berserker isn’t consistently hitting and are still investigating what could have caused this skill to break. This is still a high-priority for us, and we appreciate your understanding as we continue to work on this issue.
While we still be continuing to work on this bug, this thread has been continually bumped and spammed — which prevents us from seeing other pertinent issues and is against the CoC — and will now be closed.
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