Mesmer keeps porting under the map

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amir.3461



This happened to me more than 6 times now so i think its worth reporting. I play silvary mesmer and sometimes when I use Phase retreat there is a chance for me to be portet under the map. So im swimming below all people and are unable to get to the surface again. This happened to me already in all kind of different places even in ascalon dungeon, It was funny at first where i could explore a highlevel map without getting hit by monsters but expensive when the next waypoint cost me silvers.

Please do not nerf the skill itself just find another sulotion.

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swish.2463


I’ve done this a good 30-40 times in WvW, The heart of the mists, and all over PvE including personal story instances with all of the ’porting skills a mesmer has (not including portal).

Its kinda funny until it causes you to get stuck in combat and unable to die at the end of your story instance, or when it starts costing you 3 silver to get out of it..

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eowin Of Rohan.2619

Eowin Of Rohan.2619

Had the same issue a lot of times. Every time there is some water under the map, so I’m blocked in water (sometimes even behind the walls of a river !)
I agree that this is really annoying when you have to restart a story, pay for a waypoint (that are too expansive, I probably totalized 50 silver because of the bug). The worst is when you where fighting a champion alone and you get stuck under the map at 95% of the event, and the boss resets, but you are still considered as in a fight so you can’t even use a waypoint !

Here is a workaround : use the skill Blink to a correct position.
Limit of this workaround : that skill can’t be used from underwater. You will have to find a way of getting out of water, which is often impossible (when it is possible, you can get out of water under a hill, and use Blink to teleport through that hill)

To Anet, how to solve this easily : the bug itself if probably a tricky one that needs some reworking of the graphic engine, so I don’t expect it to be solved for the next update. So, you could implement a simple workaround in the meantime : make Blink usable from under the water. Please do it, it’s not a pretty way of debugging but it will really help players until the bug itself can be solved for good.
Another solution would be to re-implement the command /stuck that was in GW1. This would also be useful when we fall in some little places which can’t be jumped out from.

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inserach.7906


Yes, same has happened to me a few times using same skill. Also was with water under the map because I was able to swim but not able to break the surface.

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


making a /stuck would be far the easier than making blink work underwater I think, since blink is ground targeted, how would you decide on the altitude to us it on?

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

I’ve reported this bug many many times, the worst bug in the history of games. At first it was fun “weee look at me, I’m under the map”, now it’s just getting annoying when you’re in a tough boss fight in Arah and you get stuck while you can’t do anything or activate skills while you’re waiting for Lupicus to gut you like a pig.

I’ve also heard them respond to this bug saying it’s a collision thing, and that if they want to fix it they need to know the exact spots as to where you can teleport through walls. But this is simply not a viable solution because IT HAS HAPPENED TO ME OVER 50 TIMES NOW IN VARIES SPOTS. There are simply too many spots where this is possible.

You need another solution. The /stuck is a good one. And don’t make blink work underwater, because as a thief I also sometimes get this bug with other teleporting skills (the 5th skill on Bow for instance). I also don’t want to be forced to put blink on my skillbar the entire time, limiting myself to 2 utility skills. It’s a good skill, but I don’t want to be forced to use it.

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Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kevs.1679


Aside from Blinking out, my other band aid solution was to keep Portal Entre open at all times, and have Portal also binded to my underwater skills. At least for those areas that I KNOW are prone to this bug (such as AC explore kiting around spike traps part).

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krag.6210


I learned this lesson from being stucck way too many times:
NEVER Phase Retreat when I have water under my feet.

Mesmer keeps porting under the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eowin Of Rohan.2619

Eowin Of Rohan.2619

making a /stuck would be far the easier than making blink work underwater I think, since blink is ground targeted, how would you decide on the altitude to us it on?

I know that, here is what I was thinking about : make us usable FROM underwater, but only TO solid ground (or target the ground/walls even if we are in water, so if we use it from water to water we can just teleport to the bottom/walls)