Mesmer titles/tag

Mesmer titles/tag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seraf.6783


This may already be a topic, I did not see it, however. I play a Mesmer, and one downside in sPvP is that if I want to represent my guild my guild tag allows me to be spotted easily since it does not show on my illusions (clones specifically). Also, any title I have earned does the same (shows on me, not my clones).

Because of this, to find which target is the real me, all someone has to do is look for my tag or title (if I wish to rep…which I would like to for the influence, then my tag is usually on). This does bring up a quandary as I want to represent my guild and earn influence, but not give myself away.

I am just wondering, is there anything in the works that would have my title/tag on my clones? This would eliminate the issue completely. I know a lot of people are aware of this issue and use it to their benefit but I feel that it negates part of the Mesmer class, which relies so heavily on creating disorder and chaos of finding the right “squishy” target.

Mesmer titles/tag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Egos and tryhard do not merge well together.

If you are serious about sPvP, you will turn it off. If you are doing it casually, keep it on and suffer the consequences.

Mesmer titles/tag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halvaard.1034


It wouldn’t be terribly Hard for ANet to fix this, I don’t see why Mesmers should suffer when no other class is forced to not represent their guild while sPvPing,

Mesmer titles/tag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smokesacks.1084


Why the heck is this still broken?

These posts were back in November and this is still a current in game issue in March?

I am an officer in my guild so not repping is out of the question and I also have no intention on playing sPvP on anything other then my mesmer so re-rolling is not going to happen.

Please have this fixed very soon or all the progress you have made to bring GW2 into ESports will be for nothing if huge issues like this are left unfixed.