Messing up the World Summit Season 2

Messing up the World Summit Season 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aiglos.2907



I accidentally messed up the World Summit episode, during Season 2 of the living world.

So when all the stupid leader people start telling you their concerns, I got bored and walked over to Queen Jennah. You can inititiate her concerns before you address anyone elses’.

This triggers the Mordrem invasion prematurely, and the quest kinda thinks you need to address the Charr leader, but also need to protect the leaders. During this invasion, you can talk to that horrible Asura leader and also address his concerns while he is cowering in a corner. Then he gets really happy and runs into the portal.

Sadly the quest then fails to progress because the Pale Tree is a stuck in a state of
‘Wait… let me show you something’ and ‘Please address this Charr’s concerns’, while cowering on the floor. The dialogue kinda gets messed up and it becomes impossible to progress.

Reloading and doing it properly fixes this

Man… I bet the tree lady regrets having the party at her house.

Fear the might of Shatterstone!