Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeon.4127


Sooo I bout a 25 pack of both of these a loooong while ago, because I got random Gem Cards and had no use for them. After Finally giving in I have used roughly 5 of these in about 20-30 Hrs on a SINGLE character, because they suddenly are no longer on me after relogging. The first time this happened I had assumed that I misread how much time was on it but could have sworn it said 7 hrs remaining, 2 and 3rd I gave it he benefit of the doubt as well, but 4rth and 5th I call total crap after feeling like I got jipped I MADE SURE to check the time it said 6 hrs 52 mins remaining. relogged in and they were gone. PLEASE look into this as its a VERY pricey item and would HIGHLY recomend to anyone, NOT to buy these until their are patch notes specifically indicating a fix to these. Also would like to add that it frequently will consume… your consumables and keep the utility/metabolic porimers timer still going… I would LOVE to see this fixed, and if possible a refund/ or refunded items.

Both Utility/Metabolic Primers will from time to time suddenly de-activate with hrs left remaining, or eat your consumables for no reason
(during relogging).

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: harold.3526


Submit a suport ticket and they will probably give you the Metabolics back

Chaos | Death And Taxes [DnT]

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeon.4127


Submit a suport ticket and they will probably give you the Metabolics back

Yea I really should, one of those I dont even know how to begin type of situations, here I felt I can lay out the problem and see if anyone else has experienced this. Thank you very much for your input, and will be submitting one in just a few. Best of luck out there!

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Submit a suport ticket and they will probably give you the Metabolics back

Yea I really should, one of those I dont even know how to begin type of situations, here I felt I can lay out the problem and see if anyone else has experienced this. Thank you very much for your input, and will be submitting one in just a few. Best of luck out there!

For reasons no one outside of Anet really understands yet, you have a much better chance of getting an OFFICIAL response to something like this by posting on Reddit than on the actual GW2 Forums. If that makes no sense to you, well… now you know how everyone who’s been posting on these forums for the past 3 years feels.

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kfc.8170


Submit a suport ticket and they will probably give you the Metabolics back

Yea I really should, one of those I dont even know how to begin type of situations, here I felt I can lay out the problem and see if anyone else has experienced this. Thank you very much for your input, and will be submitting one in just a few. Best of luck out there!

For reasons no one outside of Anet really understands yet, you have a much better chance of getting an OFFICIAL response to something like this by posting on Reddit than on the actual GW2 Forums. If that makes no sense to you, well… now you know how everyone who’s been posting on these forums for the past 3 years feels.

Agreed, unfortunately.

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617


If you enter PVP you lose any utility/food buffs on that character. This is how the game is supposed to work (not a bug). When you exit PVP, you have to re-use the food/utility item.

If it’s removing the Primer buffs as well, or you are not entering PVP, that is a bug.

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617


If you enter PVP you lose any utility/food buffs on that character. This is how the game is supposed to work (not a bug). When you exit PVP, you have to re-use the food/utility item.

If it’s removing the Primer buffs as well, or you are not entering PVP, that is a bug.

Metabolic/Utility Primer Glitch/Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeon.4127


If you enter PVP you lose any utility/food buffs on that character. This is how the game is supposed to work (not a bug). When you exit PVP, you have to re-use the food/utility item.

If it’s removing the Primer buffs as well, or you are not entering PVP, that is a bug.

Yep on that specific character I have not bothered with pvp, and have even been to paranoid about entering wvw (discovered the buff/booster removal way back when the candy corn gobbler was a thing). I recently started using these and loosing them before they ran out. Best example I have is roughly soon after first posting this I had used both a metabolic and utility primer on a new thief who I am strictly using for world exploration the timers have lasted nearly their whole lifespan (surprisingly enough) but on the last hour I relogged and noticed my food/utility consumables were gone, but still had that hour left on the primers. So far what I am noticing is a very on/off glitchy/bugged item that cost an arm and a leg, and should seriously be looked at. I would 100% understand it getting rid of any consumables if you entered pvp/wvw and either froze the primers timer or kept it going (so long it doesn’t get rid of them), but it doesn’t seem to be the issue.

Pvp/Wvw removing the primers/consumables is not my issue, unfortunately.