Mild Gemstore Bug, being charged in USD
Im Dutch and im having the same issue, it also wont let me buy any gems. As soon as i go through while choosing the online banking option it tells me the transaction has failed before i even get to my bank’s website.
because anet is american based if it was based solely in your country it charge in same currency as your country really no different. usd is world standard just charging you amount in usd as to what the conversion rate would be under your countries currency.
theres website i used to use was based in england they’d charge me at rate of pounds guess thats what its called but it was same as if i paid usd pound at time worth more than usd so 10 pounds but coverts into like 12$ usd something like that anyways. All that currency stuff conversion stuff drivves me batty if one world currency existed in away id be all for it lol
you can hit up google google itself will help you convert rates if you need lil assistance just google “dollars to [your currency here] conversion” without brackets and google itself will load up a text based converter right there at the top. just type in the usd amount it will automatically convert to your currency at current conversion rates
Be hard for anet to set up a separate deal because conversion rates are always changing so they selling 800 gems to usa for $10 they’d have match all currencies to your countries conversion rate so you dont get ripped off so to speak just easier to keep it at usd standard charge everyone equally. Without all the time adjusting to that conversion change. Instead they are letting your bank handle that conversion rate. Sorry if I’m confusing you just so hard to explain it maybe some one else come in simplify what im trying to say.
(edited by TEKnowledgy.1760)
Be hard for anet to set up a separate deal because conversion rates are always changing so they selling 800 gems to usa for $10 they’d have match all currencies to your countries conversion rate so you dont get ripped off so to speak just easier to keep it at usd standard charge everyone equally.
ArenaNet supports the EU, where the price of 800 gems will change to £8.5 or €10 depending on the selected country. For everyone else, $ is default.
Be hard for anet to set up a separate deal because conversion rates are always changing so they selling 800 gems to usa for $10 they’d have match all currencies to your countries conversion rate so you dont get ripped off so to speak just easier to keep it at usd standard charge everyone equally.
ArenaNet supports the EU, where the price of 800 gems will change to £8.5 or €10 depending on the selected country. For everyone else, $ is default.
Thanks for clarification. I’m just going off of past experiences with other companies. I don’t live in eu or outside of usa. but my point being rather it shows usd or eu currencies its still the same prices and if he was by chance confused by seeing usd showing in game that he could use a google converter to help him understand what he is paying i know i sorta wrote it confusingly maybe even got carried away and overly explained things when i didn’t need to. Having hard time explaining my knowledge I suppose never had to explain such a thing before man gotta start some where though right lol We all noobs everyday of our lives when faced with a new task.
It seems to be a problem for everyone in Europe today. Hopefully ANet will give us an extended amount of time to buy their exclusive March Madness items if this does not get fixed in time today.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
After submitting a supportticket, the issue was fixed for me.