Mini Enraged Twisted Nightmare idle animation

Mini Enraged Twisted Nightmare idle animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: emptyhead.3194


This is something I’ve noticed today. The Mini Enraged Twisted Nightmare shares its idle animation with the non-enraged variant. I remember it not always being like this, and a while back it used to look something like this

Non-enraged mini idle animation

Enraged mini idle animation in preview window / outside of it

Enraged Twisted Nightmare plays the right animation while walking 1 2 3

Mini Enraged Twisted Nightmare idle animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ruthenium Panther.8679

Ruthenium Panther.8679

Could anyone record video with Mini Enraged Twisted Nightmare animations (idle, transformed and walking)?