Mini White Kitten Lost

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maelys ashe.9017

maelys ashe.9017

I bought the mini-white kitten this afternoon, in a very sentimental moment, because my cat died a few years ago, and I really miss her. I hopped from LA to Queensdale, to wait for Behemoth, had the mini out, whacked a few ettin, then the Champion Oakheart, after which I noticed the kitten wasn’t out, so I went to the inventory to display her, and to my great dismay, she wasn’t there.

Please spare me any comments about collapsed bags, banking her, harvesting her (!), or throwing her out accidentally.

She’s gone.

My TP list confirms that I bought the mini. Can someone fix this bug please. This is the first non-utilitarian thing I’ve ever bought, and yes, I’m really upset about it. May be the last thing I buy ever, too.

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Curo.2483


How bout a comment about you pressing “Deposit Collectibles”?

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maelys ashe.9017

maelys ashe.9017

Oh. You’re right. I may have, I was farming sporadically, and minis do bank. I’ll check that out. I guess if that’s so, then they need to be carried in the invisible bag if you want to take them with you. Only mini I’ve bought, so I didn’t think of this.

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


And did you found your kitten again? =)

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maelys ashe.9017

maelys ashe.9017

Yes! Found. Mini’s in GW stayed in your invent, even after dedication in your HoM, and banking was something you did manually, so I clean didn’t think about her vanishing with the carrots, >.<

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cathach.5807


That is why every one of my characters has two invisible bags to store all the stuff i want to have on my person all the time. Especially my Asura main needs enough invisible bag space to store her collection of mini-golems. But i can still remember how i paniced when my first golem dissapeared in the collection tab, so that happens to a lot of people.

Mini White Kitten Lost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


I had that at lauch with the HoM minis.
I just got new ones when i noticed my character was missing the HoM minis.
(HoM minis r account bound and u can get them as much times as u want)

Didnt know they would be banked when choosing Deposit Collectables.
Learned that some time later.

And actually, a few weeks ago i noticed HoM minis in my bank and wondered why they were there.