Mini no longer wielding weapon
My Mini Peacemaker Sharpshot use to hold his weapon as well when he ran, now he does not.
I do not think it is a bug. mini’s use a certain skin and has a certain animation cycle. So it seems like an intended change in the design. However, I do not see any reason to change it. It might be that on they gave them weapons very short before release, and that an in between patch was taken with that pre-release change incorperated.
I’m really curious if arenanet is going to give an asnwer to this one. It seems odd to take away weapons from miniatures (unless they where dealing damage with them, but I doubt that)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
well, somthing changed.
Checked my mini Wolfborn Berserker today.
It was supposed to have his axes in both hands like;
But, the axes r now stowed :-(
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
I do not think it is a bug. mini’s use a certain skin and has a certain animation cycle. So it seems like an intended change in the design. However, I do not see any reason to change it. It might be that on they gave them weapons very short before release, and that an in between patch was taken with that pre-release change incorperated.
I’m really curious if arenanet is going to give an asnwer to this one. It seems odd to take away weapons from miniatures (unless they where dealing damage with them, but I doubt that)
There was the case of miniatures entering combat and fighting, though not really dealing any damage. This issue of weapons being stowed on minis that have them sounds like it came about at the same time as the minis entering combat issue was fixed. It is likely that this weapon stowing on minis issue is a result of that fix, though it probably wasn’t intended for weapon wielding minis to now keep their weapons stowed when the issue was fixed. Although it could have also arisen when the bug was fixed that cause all players to be seen running around with their weapons drawn and the fix caused minis to always have weapons sheathed.
I agree, hopefully there will be a response on this issue.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Hey folks,
I’ll forward this along to be looked at.
Thanks for the report.
It would be awesome if the mini stows their weapon normally, but takes theirs out when you do.
Thanks Josh, really hoping this gets ‘fixed’ so I can run around with a mini-me again!
Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to jump in and let you all know we are looking at this issue and we will have a fix for it in an upcoming build. Thank you for letting us know!
Did this issue happen to have been fixed in any of the recent builds? I didn’t see it mentioned in any patch notes.
Or will it be in the October 15th update if it hasn’t already been fixed?
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This has been fixed for me, logged in yesterday to find my mini shocktrooper carrying his greatsword when running around.
Thanks Josh/Matt/Anet.
This has been fixed for me, logged in yesterday to find my mini shocktrooper carrying his greatsword when running around.
Thanks Josh/Matt/Anet.
That’s awesome to hear! Thanks for updating on the issue getting fixed
I’ve now moved it from an active issue to having been fixed in my “Tracker – Living World/Game Update Bugs” thread. Thank you again.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)