Mini pets keep being unticked
I know gliding for a long period of time causes them to go away to where you have to re tick them. This is hopefully a known issue since it started when HoT was released. Not sure if it’s being addressed though.
This has been happening for quite a while for me. Switching maps, logging out and coming back the next day also will cause me to retick my mini.
There are two circumstances in which the game unchecks minis:
- Culling, when there are too many nearby players, to reduce the animations the game needs to display.
- Gliding (although not always).
That’s all well and good. The problem is that the game doesn’t re-tick minis automatically afterward. I suspect that the current system has some fundamental issues:
- If it’s a true “untick”, it ought to be on a timer, where the game checks (e.g. every 5 minutes) if the conditions for hiding the mini are still valid and, if not, re-tick.
- Alternatively, the game shouldn’t untick at all, but instead use a different flag that hides the ‘tick’ status temporarily:
- If gliding, it becomes unhid automatically when leaving gliding.
- If hidden for culling, un-hide on map change or use of waypoint. That won’t prevent the mini from being hidden too often, but it would prevent it from never, ever returning, which is what happens now.
How can we get this issue put on the bug tracker?
It’s on the bug tracker.
If you’re referring to the “Known Issue Tracker”, that’s a “curated” list that one dev updates periodically, based on what they have time to add, out of the list of stuff the community wants to hear about. So the list won’t always include major bugs we don’t bring up nor some things we bring up all the time — there’s just not enough time and this is a kludge for keeping us up-to-date with what’s in their internal tracker.
If you mean, “what can we do to get ANet to prioritize a fix?” It might be that it’s more complicated than it looks to us, based on the existing code. i.e. they have a solution, but it’s just really costly compared to other things that affect more than just cosmetics.
tl;dr we don’t really know the status, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t being worked on
- Culling, when there are too many nearby players, to reduce the animations the game needs to display.
Yup, but if I recall right usually culling will hide minis for that reason but not uncheck that box. Currently, the mini won’t come back when switching maps (that should cancel the culling).
OK, I’ve just managed to catch this bug.
When you start gliding (or use a launchpad) they are unticked, but normally they are ticked back as soon as you land. Unless they are hidden due to rising player population. In that case they stay unticked for good.
OK, I’ve just managed to catch this bug.
When you start gliding (or use a launchpad) they are unticked, but normally they are ticked back as soon as you land. Unless they are hidden due to rising player population. In that case they stay unticked for good.
I can’t replicate this behavior 100% of the time. Sometimes you can see the mini chasing you when you are falling (after turning off gliding) and sometimes it disappears. Sometimes, after disappearing, it returns.
I can, however, state that on my alt account, this never happens: minis always appear.
Would be nice if this was fixed already.