Minis Behaving Badly...

Minis Behaving Badly...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imperator Nox.7509

Imperator Nox.7509

This is something that started well over a year ago. I have had a quite long break in the interim, and was hoping it would be fixed upon return, but it was not to be.

The Enraged Twisted Nightmare mini, at least on my client, is now virtually the EXACT same model, doing the exact same movements, as the normal Twisted Nightmare mini. This was NOT the case upon creation. At that time, the model was different (iirc, like the real things, it lost its medial arms in the second, “angry” stage, among other differences), and it certainly behaved quite differently.

So I don’t understand why anyone would make the decision to simply overwrite the behavior of one mini with another (although you’ve altered behavior (for the worse) other times; see the chainsaw skeleton mini, for example), especially given the much higher cost for the Enraged version. Now I have one normal, and one pointlessly expensive Twisted Nightmare. Yay.

I tried also repairing my DAT in the long hope this was all just a misunderstanding. Alas.

And so, I am still holding out hope (barely breathing… but still alive) this was not some absurd managerial decision, but a simple error, one that can be easily remedied… yes?

Please say “Yes”.