(edited by AntiGw.9367)
Minor issues with some nourishment items
A few more issues:
- Critical Strike damage inconsistencies: some food items list the bonus as “+10% critical strike damage”, while others as “+10% critical damage”
- Some inconsistency in displaying +/- symbols, as mentioned in this topic
- Quality Maintenance Oil – tooltip is displaying a bonus to power, even though it applies a bonus to precision.
- “experiance” in the tooltips of multiple food items, hasn’t been fixed since launch. Also a lot of inonsistency in displaying the bonus as “+10” instead of “+10%”
(edited by AntiGw.9367)
first off thanks for adding the Quality Maintenance Oil to your list
second in regards to the Bowls you noticed the 2 +10% tooltips on if you look closely the 2 is actually on the icon itself meaning you will create 2 of them although spacing could be a bit better to make the separation more noticeable i agree
second in regards to the Bowls you noticed the 2 +10% tooltips on if you look closely the 2 is actually on the icon itself meaning you will create 2 of them although spacing could be a bit better to make the separation more noticeable i agree
That item is not something you craft, it’s sold by a vendor.
More inconsistency with the Toxic food tooltips:
- “+x% condition duration” is for some reason renamed to “Condition duration increased By x%”
- note the capitalized “By” in the above, also notice it in the Bowl of Marjory’s Experimental Chili that capitalizes “Using” in its tooltip
You know, the longer these things are ignored, the more they’ll be piling up, resulting in a mess that can’t be fixed in a reasonable amount of time.