Missing Globs

Missing Globs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: David.5409


Last night I sent this to support:

Hi. I was just playing with my warrior character named Fotm and had just finished a fractal and was salvaging items. The other members disbanded and it threw me out of the “lab” of the fractals to where I was before entering the fractals. I then realized that the globs of ectos I bought were now missing. They were there in my inventory before I was ported out. I’m not sure the exact count but was around 200 globs. I bought some recently from the trading post and salvaged some. Could someone check on this please. Thank you.

I received the following response:

Greetings David,

I’m sorry to hear about the issue you ran into recently. But I’m afraid at this time, the Support Team is unable to restore any individual characters, items, or currency. We’d be unable to restore any losses that may have occurred due to this, as we simply do not have the tools to provide this service at this time.

We’re working to expand our system to allow individual item/character restorations as quickly as possible. When that happens, it would be posted at the main site (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/) and forums (http://forum.guildwars2.com/). Although we wouldn’t be able to guarantee that we’d be able to retroactively assist with any incidents that occur before it’s available, you’re welcome to contact us at that time so we can investigate the possibility of a restoration.

With that said, it is common for players to deposit collectibles into their bank and not realize it. You may want to check your Collections tab in your bank to see if the Globs of Ectoplasm were placed there. Should that not have been the case, then you can do us a favor by submitting an in-game bug report. This will send detailed information about your character and your position directly to our Quality Assurance team. To submit a bug report in the game, simply click on the “Game Menu” button in the upper left hand corner of the game interface, then choose the Support option on the Game Menu.

You’re also welcome to report a game issue in the Game Bugs sub-forum of the Guild Wars 2 Forums ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs). You may include screenshots with your forum report, if you wish to do so. While we are unable to respond directly to each bug report, they are reviewed and escalated, when appropriate.

If you have any other issues or questions, please let us know.

GM Onyx
Guild Wars Support Team

So I am posting here as suggested in the response.

Can anyone from Arenanet verify that I had the ectos and replace it?


Missing Globs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SMooCHiee.4583


I’ve had similar issues like this when some items disappear after porting out of FoTM. My most recent one was about 2 weeks ago. I had gotten an exotic armageddon armor piece (account bound) from jade maw’s chest, but after leaving the fractals lab, it had disappeared. I’m not asking for reimbursement. I’m just sharing my experience to report that and it may be something to look into.