Missing Guild
Same problem here, GEFF guild.
Same with ours as well MMI all guild influence and upgrades gone aswell.
Sever Blacktide
Same here, it is not even showing the correct guild logo when i go to the guild window.
Same problem here: party, guild and friend list is broken
EDIT: I’m an euro player on NA server
(edited by Rezz.8019)
Same here. Gandara.
same here, augury rock
same here, desolation
guild postscriptuum[ps]
(edited by nOCPEDHNK.8304)
Same here, guild window, party window, contacts are all broken…
Dragonbrand server
Same here. Guild bank still exists, guild logo is intact, and the (expensive) in-progress upgrade that our (tiny little) guild has saved (ages) for is still going, but otherwise the reporting at minimum is broken.
Piken Square, Europe
Same here in Seafarer’s Rest. Hope it’s sorted soon
Same here, Pain Intended [PI] guild on Ring of Fire. I hope Anet can fix this soon as our members logging in into an empty guild might make them think its dead or something.
party window is working, but guild window is broken. (blacktide)
Same here Gandara TAC guild
Same problem… im alone BROS guild Far Shiverpeaks
Happened on another EU world as well. (Not my guild)
Same here. Alone in my guild, it says I don’t have any influence, nothing researched, but my Deep Cave is 10 hours from completion and I do have access to my guild storage.
I also don’t have an green box before my name when I represent… (or rather, there’s simply no box for my name at all, also when I’m not representing)
Server: Aurora Glade (Ion)
Happened to me and one of my guild’s leaders too, bit not to the other guild leader.
Same here. Borked guild roster and friends list.
Blackgate NA
Joining the ranks of guildlessness i’m on sea of sorrows and have same problem
The same problem happened to me on all my guilds but one. I am playing on Tarnished Coast (NA) from Europe.
Same here, logged ticket “[Incident: 130430-000696]”
Server: Darkhaven
Guild: [OMTL] Order of Metal
Please assist
Same here, Siegen Für Spassmachen guild on Whiteside Ridge…
vabbi server, TGA guild, vanished…..
Same here on Underworld server…
Eu player. Member of 4 guilds(2 EU and 2 NA). Only one of three shows the full roster.
same here
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Guild: Winter’s Talon
Can’t see any of the US guilds I’m in, or represent them. The one EU guild I’m in I can see who’s on but can’t represent
My guild is gone.
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Guild: [TBCN] The Black Citadel Nightclub
Ring of Fire (EU)
Guild: The Nazgul [Naz]
On characther selection, all pgs belongs to the guild, but tag is empty “The Nazgul []”.
In guild panel, I’m the only player (1/1). Guild chat confirm that fact.
0 merits, no digit for the influence.
Upgrades in progress working, but all the upgrades done so far are missing, included the ones needed for that still in progress.
Tried to stand down and represent again, nothing changed.
Same problem for my first guild “The Black Lotus [tBL]” but not for “The Ring of Fire War Council” [RFC].
Same problem… im alone
BROS guild Far Shiverpeaks
I’m also in BROS guild! – Far Shiverpeaks (eu)
(edited by Kelytha.1350)
Same problem here
Far Shiverpeaks
guild’’our black bird cuts itself’’ [eMoa]
No tag, no guildchat, me shown as the only existing player in guild
It happens to me as well. I see only me in the guild and can’t use /g. Moreover, I can’t see party menbers, but the /p function still works.
The 3 guilds i’m in on Underworld (EU)- the one i started at launch along with the 2 other i’m supporting- all show same depressing crap, also despite i’ve logged in multiple characters today influence hasn’t updated…it’ll be real interesting seeing Anet catch up on this.
At least they’ve showed they’re aware of the situation by announcing on forum/twitter that they’re working on it….ehmm….or not… :p
Same issue here.
Gandara – Indiscriminate Slayers
I have the same problem as the others, I’m alone in my guild Ice Dragon Order with no tag, no upgrades etc.
same problem here,
server – Gunnars Hold
guild – Blood and Metal [BAM]
Same issue here.
Server – Underworld
Guild – Duels of the Planeswalkers [MtG] & Ghosts of the Past [GotP] (1-man guild)
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Same problem here,
Pain intended Ring Of Fire EU
Same here
Server: Desolation
Guild: Daddy Cool
Nothing is researched, I’m the only person, history is clear, I can’t use chat cus it says I’m not in guild etc etc
Same issues on Kaineng
I have the same issue, as the most of my (300people) guild on Vabbi.
Guilds I cant see:
The Great Alliance – Vabbi
Other allianced guilds I can’t see
Shadow Badgers – Vabbi
Legion of Heroes – vabbi/SFR
Same problem… 3 hours and they did nothing to fix it so far? Lovely…
Same issue guild panels are empty, when writing in chat ‘you are not in guild’ message pops out
Whiteside Ridge
We Create Legends [WAR]
More Than a Toaster [MTAT]
Same here. I’m in Shadow Badgers on Vabbi and it’s as if the guild doesn’t exist anymore, from the looks of the guild display page. Influence, guild tags and all are missing.
Btw, hi Mox
Same issues :
Server : Kaineng
Guild : Monkey Temple
EDIT: I’m an euro player on NA server
(edited by Klaatu.6517)
Glad to see I’m not alone with this problem
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…
Same issue here.
Server – Fissure of Woe
Guild – Honored Dark Brotherhood
I had a lot of upgrades and a lot of members in guild.
These bug make me a chance to forget about guild wars 2 and it`s bad service…
Same thing for everyone in guild that I’ve talked to.
Desolation: The Older Gamers
Same issue:
Maguuma – all of my guilds.
Penguins of Madagascar
Hello Im The Doctor
Lyssa Protect Me
And can’t get influences from events, of course, becausa there is no place to add points. Theres is no “zero points” – there is no anything near by the “Guild Merits”