Missing Guild
Same here – Blackgate
I felt so alone until I read this post and realised there are other lonely people in the worlds.
Oi!!!!! Anet fix please
Oh and sort out Necro pets while you’re at it.
Same here all guild members gone except me..no influence or upgrades showning. Fury Nation(FN)
Can’t play just in case we get no influence:(
Same here, EU player in NA – Kaineng
Can a dev confirm that they seen this please. Thank you!
No friends list, empty guild windows, can join party but my party members shows as offline (cannot see there current location on map either) EU player on Sorrow’s Furnace (NA).
Seems it affects us all, reminds me of a similiar bug on WoW servers nearly 4 years ago.
Q : anyone knows for how long this is happening?
Necro 80 W3
Engii 80 PvE
Lost almost filled up 50 +100 storage upgrade.
C Space [cSPC] guild, Gandara.
Filling a support ticket.
and still no response from Anet.
Guild mate with no issues added me to party, I got the invite accepted it and nothing happened, he went into SAB and I didn’t get window, but when I went to SAB myself it asked me to join him, I did, we where about 3 mins into it and it kicked me out and it told him I left the party, then it kicked him out because the party was apparently broken,
Seems today is not the day for running FOTM, Dungeons, WvW, or playing in general.
Same here. EU Player , I’m in Fort Aspenwood.
No friends list
No guild list
No guild Chat
Party List is “sometimes working” and My Guild mates name Tag are suppose to be Yellow, but it’s not. Please fix this soon.
SAme here.
Friendlist wiped
Guild list wiped
Guild points wiped
Guild upgrades wiped
[AM] Guild on Henge of Denravi
Same problem… im alone
BROS guild Far Shiverpeaks
I’m also in BROS guild! – Far Shiverpeaks (eu)
All our upgrades are canceled to Guild Challange and last lv 6 upgrade, Guild bank gone to, whit all the stuff
(edited by Tyrion.8632)
Same problem here !!!
Aurora glade.
This looks like the “official” thread for this, so post here too, just in case:
I’m very disappointed, a confirmation that everything will be restored would be nice.
[FUG/SG/TDT] on the Jade Quarry
I have the same problem on the “Desolation” server. It appears to be worldwide. I am not missing any items or progression on my characters. It’s just the buggy guild nothing more. Please, everyone send a bug report. I have the game since launch and I have never seen such a massive bug.
Dutch Finest (DUF) from the far shiverpeaks also has this issue ..
Adding my guild’s collective “US TOO!”,
Server: Gunnar’s hold,
Guild: Befuddling our Opposition [BOO]
Character name: Ureeka
Since doing events don’t seem to add any new influence, it seems that we just aren’t connecting to where the guild information is stored. It’s reassuring that it’s not just us I guess. Looking forward to getting it fixed, I have some nervous guildies.
“Wonder at the marvel [Oooh]” also mostly broken. Guild chat seems to be working but everything else is missing and I’m the only person I can see. Desolation server.
Same here,
It looks like master reset of Guild Members, influence points and all economy upgrades…
he no uild mark i cant see my guild and my loot has pin blues for 3weeks world dragons ifen the carent rare is blue
The guild/friendlist servers have probably either gone down or hiccupped. I’ve seen this happen months ago, and off and on during maintenance periods. If that’s what happened, the datas SHOULD still be there when they get back online.
Tarnished Coast
same here to
cant acess bank vault wtf
cant chat guild ~_~ "you not in guild" wtf!!!
Kneel Before Us [IMBA]
Pisces Rudi – Mesmer
Same problem here for my own little House van Deremer guild. However, despite the guild panel showing no upgrades, members or even my own darn online status, I can still access the guild bank.
EU player, NA Server (Tarnished Coast)
This was a frightful bug to wake up to; Seems like everybody is having this problem. Even my own Elysian Plains of Gandara.
Same problem for myself.
Cant see friends list and or guild list. appear to be the only member.
Others have been able to contact me via friends list so its not everyone affected.
Have faith in our devs, they will restore order shortly no doubt.
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
Same thing for me. Desolation – University of Tyira.
Party is fine, and FL is fine. Most of my guilds have bugged out. Everything is gone.
Same on Aurora Glade
Gee I sense a patch incoming.. everything always breaks on patch day
Better return all our guild stash, points and … errrrmm people.
As much as I try to keep telling myself its new, it will get better… its just getting old and worse each patch
Same issue here: whiteside ridge guild name: The Neo Knights
An allied guild leader checked for me and he said everythign shows up on his end but theres no option to represent my guild which is strange.
On my side the guild exists yet im the only member and nothign else shows up(i breifly had the research item displayed but it vanished when i shifted maps).
Hi guys.
Thanks for flagging the issue, this has been escalated to the tech team who will work to resolve it.
Thanks and apologies for the problem
Thanks for the reply DavidOrtiz :o)
Finally! and thank you for the reply.,
Can you try to fix this before or at the patch? We had some huge guild events planned for today and to organise them now is kinda hard xD
Getting the same problem here, I logged in and it’s as if I am in a newly made guild, with only me in it, and no logo, name, list of members, ranks, influence or upgrades…. To top that all off… I cant access my guild bank. which stored LOTS of mats for crafting…
This is NOT acceptable at all… Please fix it!
same here…..please fix up.
sanctum of rall
guild :Saty(Sanctum Community)
(edited by amonian.3596)
The end of Tyria draws near , quick hide in a Black Lion chest!
same here
Server: Abaddons Mouth
Guild: Dragonforce of Ascalon
Same, main menu screen shows no guild tag, I show up as the only member of my guild, shows no influence or upgrades though the lvl5 Art of War in our queue is going, and nobody on my friends list shows up online – some of them also show up as “lvl 0 None” for some reason as their last played. I also cannot take anything from the guild bank.
European playing on Jade Quarry.
ETA: checked, also can’t deposit anything in the guild bank. And trying to speak in the /g channel just generates “You are not in a guild” message.
(edited by Rimetin.3405)
Same issues here.
Server: Piken Square
Guild: Rusty Nails Adventurers
Not having any issues with the other guild I’m in though.
Got scared for a moment here when i looked at the guild panel. Good to know it is a general error and you are already working on it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
A-net try to solve this problem before the update…
Same here.. My friend even left due to this in rage, any way to get her back? Can’t invite even.
So I guess getting kicked out from a guild and re-joining it , won’t fix it like people have suggested in the past for same problem? Unless of course every single person in one’s guild is unable to view anything.
Currently I am facing same problem like everyone else in this thread.
Gunnar’s Hold, Order of the silver Lion
Thanks for looking into it, hope for a solution soon. In the past it has happened to me before, however restarting the client a couple of times fixed it. Now it doesn’t seem to work.
Don’t do anything, it will be fixed in patch today at some point.
Yep same issue here too.
Server: Darkhaven
Guild: Order of Shadows [OoS]
Same issue.
US account on US server.
Also, not sure if related, but my party window and friends list have bugged since yesterday. I can’t see anyone online in my friends list (even though they), and in groups, it just shows everyone’s portrait as blank, and I don’t see them on the map either.
(edited by Calreth.4912)
Same problem, no party no guild.
Server: Maguuma.
nice april joke from anet same here with one of my guilds, other works fine.