Missing Point of Interest
Maybe in Canopy Over Pact Encampment? The Wiki states 1 PoI, and also states 2 PoIs, as well as the map showing 4 PoIs. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canopy_over_Pact_Encampment
Worth looking into, I suppose.
Good luck.
I appreciate the help but I already double checked this one. It seemed like the most likely one to miss.
Also, Canopy over Ordnance Corps?
There’s a list in the Wiki with chat codes for each PoI. You might try pasting those in, to check.
Good luck.
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Good luck.
Tip: Placing one’s mouse over the legend for Points of Interest should highlight any which are still outstanding.
Tip: Placing one’s mouse over the legend for Points of Interest should highlight any which are still outstanding.
I think the most common way this fails for people is when the POI sits in a very small unexplored area. I recall some spot or other in the Verdant Brink, just north of the entrance, where I hit that and it took me an annoyingly long time to figure it out.
Of course, if nothing highlights, turning of events and personal story so the content guide directs you to unexplored areas, and get all them cleared. It’s how I eventually got that one spot I had trouble with.
I think it also fails when it’s out of view because it’s on a different layer. Granted, that could just be because that area was fogged on that layer. It’s been awhile since I map completed VB so it could be either.
That highlighting tip never works for me unless, of course, I have that part of the map on-screen. But, when I zoom out a bit, so more of the map is on-screen, it stops working.
Tip: Placing one’s mouse over the legend for Points of Interest should highlight any which are still outstanding.
There seems to be some problem specific to this PoI(Last Leap) based on the map chatter in Verdant Brink.
Although maybe it is just the general “issue” of markers not appearing until after you are close enough to it even after you have already uncovered/unfogged the region they are in.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)