Missing PvP Reward Potions

Missing PvP Reward Potions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Latchkey.7346


So I got some Potions of PvP Reward, the ones that progress whichever reward track you are on, and I decided to put them in my bank, save them for when a reward track i’d prefer becomes available. So I put them in my bank, switch from my Necro to my Guardian to finish the rest of the dailies, go back to the bank to deposit another batch of potions and the previous ones were gone. When I desposited them from my Guardian and switch back to my Necro to see if maybe I had accidentally not deposited them, I see the ones that my Guardian had deposited are missing. So anyone know what’s going on?

Missing PvP Reward Potions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nexen.3451


same thing happened to me, just did a pvp match with a necromancer and when i left the match i lost the potions i had in my inventory and the ones in my bank from yesterday.

Missing PvP Reward Potions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dirtmaster.1257


same happened to me today… kinda annoying

Missing PvP Reward Potions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captnrandm.5986


Same thing happened to me but instead of opening the chests I put it into my bank switched to my war and opened them giving me the potions. I then tried to use them by double clicking them and that did not work no progress on my reward track. so then i thought maybe I have to use them in pvp only so I went to the mists and BAM there gone. Had 2 in my inventory now i just feel I wasted the time doing the dailies just to have it taken away.