Moa Races

Moa Races

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: irondog.4830



The night this came out I played once. I placed a bet and came in 3rd and got a ticket. Day before yesterday, after finishing all my other achievements, i went back to the Moa Races. First race I came in first, but got no message of win or fail and bet taken down. I played 5 more time and came in last, resulting in a Failed Event message. Last bet I betted on same moa as first time. This time he was one of the first 2 birds to come in, but I was unable to see weather first or second. However, I did not get a win message. My bet was taken down. I got no failed message either. I did make a bet, had enough money, and was looking at my “you placed a bet on Motti” message on right side of screen. Only to have it poof and money gone, and no message at all, win or lose. Anyone else had this happen?

Moa Races

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nynaeve.3910


I have the same problem. Made a ticket and the reply was that they’re working on it.. :P