Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Mobs will reset, go back to their spawn point, recover health, then reengage combat. We are kept in combat the whole time, so we lose health, we lose our cooldowns, and we need to fight the mobs again. This can happen repeatedly. Obviously annoying when it causes you to die.

The mobs have a clear path to us, they can even be on top of us, but will glitch. It is 100% repeatable to get this glitch to go off as an Engineer. Go to Malchor’s Leap map, go to the Valley of Lyss section, and fight the embers by the Skill Point. Use skills that cause blind, especially effective is Smoke Bomb. The mob seems to miss you from the Blind, which causes it to think you are on Terrain it can’t reach, so it will “reset” and then immediately reaggro.

In the game, you can ‘just run away’. But Orr, you can’t run anywhere without adding more problems and chances at death. HIGHLY ANNOYING.

During this reset, the mobs will become immune to OUR attacks, but may continue to attack until they finally disengage, go back to their spawn point, and then reengage. Very annoying when you are a sitting duck unable to do anything but die. All underwater combat is affected by this. Everywhere. No exceptions, and no places where it works as intended. Blind seems to be another way to cause this, but it happens with skills that cause the foe to sink or push back or any type of movement to the foe. Or, it just happens for no reason.

Engineer in the downed state can hit an enemy and take their health to zero, and then the enemy continues to live and attack, and we do not rally. All skills seem to become useless at that moment.

Another issue in the downed state of the Engineer is the number 1 skill may cause no damage, doing nothing from the moment the Engineer falls. The mob simply is immortal.

All this seems to be related to the player inflicting the Blindness condition on the enemy, possibly. I’m not entirely sure, but when it bugs out, it tends to bug all the way out.

I’ve seen all these issue in Orr, repeatedly, over and over and over. They are frequent. Valley of Lyss is the most reliable way to encounter the issues per every fight. Other areas seem more random.

Last, and the most separate issue, is that when no other players are around (frequently) the mobs still respawn as if you have a 20 man group. The respawn rate is out of control and poorly programmed. In WoW, high respawn areas will have the mobs respawn (and we can see them) but not aggro players for a few seconds (unless they are attacked) allowing the players to deal with the situation, knowing that they need to move soon.

In GW2, mobs will respawn and instantly attack. They add to fights when players are trying to fight their way through an area. And they are not part of an event. They are just mobs that respawn too quickly. The world has no persistence or change, especially when things pop up as you kill them, and are not even tied to any events or scaling because of other players. You are alone or with 1 other, and things magically pop-up infinitely.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

I have all these problems, too, and I’m also an Engineer, but I don’t use smoke bomb too often. It really, really is devastating when you’re playing in Orr. I usually need one other person with me just to move across the map, because of various buggy things making survival alone almost impossible.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Melana.8345


I’ve seen this many times on my Ranger too – particularly in the water. It’s really frustrating to have a mob that is actively hitting you and/or your pet become “immune” and still continue to hit you (for general in-the-world mobs activating “I can’t path to you” protections, not special event mobs).

Other things that cause it:

  • Mob focuses on pet, and pet moves/is knocked back onto a rock – mob thinks it can’t hit the pet anymore and becomes immune – even though the mob is in melee range and/or has the ability to simply run (not jump, run) onto the same rock.
  • Mob is higher/lower in the water than you. They don’t understand height in the water properly. Even 1/2 a body length difference in height, with NO obstructions around, can result in the mob going invulnerable. They can be in Spear melee range, but above/below and will go invulnerable and start healing for 5-10 seconds before re-engaging.
  • Mob chases you across the map. You stop to fight it…stand in one place not moving, and at 5-10% health mob turns around and runs away, healing up again, invulnerable while running away, and then turns back around to attack you again. If they were leashed – why did they come back? Why did they take so long for them to decide to go? If they were not leashed – why did they turn around, become invulnerable, and run away? If they were just healing (like a player would), why did they also become invulnerable?
  • (Affects Rangers) Jump down off/up to a ledge to fight a mob at melee range. Mob stands there doing nothing and invulnerable. Look around and realise that your pet stayed on the previous ledge, and because the mob can’t hit the pet on the ledge it’s standing around doing nothing. Swap pets so that your pet arrives at your feet, mob immediately attacks pet but takes another 3-5 seconds to clear out of invulnerable mode (it’s hitting you/your pet, but can’t be hit back). Meanwhile, your opening skills are all on cooldown, etc – wasted because the mob decided that the pet way over there that hadn’t hit it yet was more important than the Ranger in melee that was actively trying to bash in it’s face.
  • More recently – I don’t think this was an issue originally, but the last week I’ve been seeing it a bit. Successfully kiting an enemy (in a circle, so not leaving leash range) with snares can see the mob decide to become invulnerable because “it can’t hit you”. Chill/Spike trap/SB “3”/LB “4”/speed boost from Rampage as One/dodge – if it doesn’t get to hit you or your pet for a significant period of time it goes invulnerable thinking you’re exploiting terrain, instead of just using the CC skills you had effectively. That’d tie in with blind also triggering it.

The severity of the “immune” has seemed to become a lot worse/more frequent in the last week or so for me. I don’t know whether that’s an artifact of where/what type of fighting I’ve been doing (e.g. becoming more skilled in kiting/using CC), or due to some change introduced in the patch a week ago.

Despaired Ranger: Crafted The Dreamer, lost range, lost GS condi damage for synergy.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry

(edited by Melana.8345)

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


I’ve seen this many times on my Ranger too – particularly in the water. It’s really frustrating to have a mob that is actively hitting you and/or your pet become “immune” and still continue to hit you (for general in-the-world mobs activating “I can’t path to you” protections, not special event mobs).

Other things that cause it:

  • Mob focuses on pet, and pet moves/is knocked back onto a rock – mob thinks it can’t hit the pet anymore and becomes immune – even though the mob is in melee range and/or has the ability to simply run (not jump, run) onto the same rock.
  • Mob is higher/lower in the water than you. They don’t understand height in the water properly. Even 1/2 a body length difference in height, with NO obstructions around, can result in the mob going invulnerable. They can be in Spear melee range, but above/below and will go invulnerable and start healing for 5-10 seconds before re-engaging.
  • Mob chases you across the map. You stop to fight it…stand in one place not moving, and at 5-10% health mob turns around and runs away, healing up again, invulnerable while running away, and then turns back around to attack you again. If they were leashed – why did they come back? Why did they take so long for them to decide to go? If they were not leashed – why did they turn around, become invulnerable, and run away? If they were just healing (like a player would), why did they also become invulnerable?
  • (Affects Rangers) Jump down off/up to a ledge to fight a mob at melee range. Mob stands there doing nothing and invulnerable. Look around and realise that your pet stayed on the previous ledge, and because the mob can’t hit the pet on the ledge it’s standing around doing nothing. Swap pets so that your pet arrives at your feet, mob immediately attacks pet but takes another 3-5 seconds to clear out of invulnerable mode (it’s hitting you/your pet, but can’t be hit back). Meanwhile, your opening skills are all on cooldown, etc – wasted because the mob decided that the pet way over there that hadn’t hit it yet was more important than the Ranger in melee that was actively trying to bash in it’s face.
  • More recently – I don’t think this was an issue originally, but the last week I’ve been seeing it a bit. Successfully kiting an enemy (in a circle, so not leaving leash range) with snares can see the mob decide to become invulnerable because “it can’t hit you”. Chill/Spike trap/SB “3”/LB “4”/speed boost from Rampage as One/dodge – if it doesn’t get to hit you or your pet for a significant period of time it goes invulnerable thinking you’re exploiting terrain, instead of just using the CC skills you had effectively. That’d tie in with blind also triggering it.

The severity of the “immune” has seemed to become a lot worse/more frequent in the last week or so for me. I don’t know whether that’s an artifact of where/what type of fighting I’ve been doing (e.g. becoming more skilled in kiting/using CC), or due to some change introduced in the patch a week ago.

^ all of that.

Thank you. I thought I must be going crazy with all the IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE messages just from kiting, on land, while still being hit myself.

Or the resets.

Or the random pathing away, healing, then back to attack you.

I imagine we see it more lately because we (if you’re like me) are doing more node farming and events, so we’re getting used to dealing with the 1v10 fights in Orr. Since we’re fighting more numbers more often, we see how often they bug out.

I know the “better” I play, the worse the bugs are. The worse I play (sit there and eat damage) the less bugs pop up, but I’ll die. Even when stationary and being smacked in my face, I still saw the Embers fly away and reset for no reason, only to reengage with me. And I was outside of aggro range, so they should have reset and left me alone. It’s bugs on top of bugs making for a bad situation.

My biggest annoyance is relying on the Downed State. I’m clearing an area, I get respawn adds or immune mobs, or something that makes the fighting drag out forever, so I purposely leave some mobs near death, so I can rally off them and continue. Instead, I go down, and I start whipping my junk out. I “Throw Junk” at the enemy, and watch as nothing happens. No health loss. No explanation.

Or, they lose health as I hit them with my junk, but then at zero health, nothing happens. The mob keeps attacking ankittenep dying.

Would love for my skills to work. Or be better than Throw Junk.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

(edited by Hsinimod.5784)

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


There were several threads about the resetting / leashing bugs (and the stupidity of having hard resetting and leashing mechanics in a 2012 game in the first place) back during the beta weekends. Nothing seems to have changed.

Someone at Arena Net seems to think that protecting the mobs’ right to kill players without those players being able to exploit some flaw in the mob’s AI is more important than letting the players have fun while playing the game.

That’s why they can magically heal back to 100, that’s why they can spawn out of nowhere, right on top of players, that’s why they can push players off ledges but players can’t push them, etc..

“When in doubt, mob is granted god mode.”

And when developers have that kind of mentality there isn’t much hope that things will improve.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ProxiiG.5830


I am experiencing the same thing with my thief, using pistol/dagger and sometimes when i go stealth for a second with the No5 skill to shoot the mob like 1 sec latter i find the mob to be invulnerable heading away healing full and getting berserk on my kitten right after that.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prizrak.4137


This happens constantly for me underwater, occasionally when fighting cliff bats (though not with harpies), and once when I was shooting at a minotaur from a short clifftop. The common factor (as some have mentioned above) is the height difference: the last incident made me suspect it’s an anti-cheese protection gone overboard (Although the minotaur was circling around and had nearly reached me).

I’ve never been attacked when this happens, but the mob returns to its spawn point and stands there invulnerable healing to full. Rarely, I’ll be removed from combat as well, but far more often I stay at low health and initiative and am forced to deal with a fully recovered enemy.

I’m a thief, but have never noticed a correlation with particular skills as some posters above have.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chesham.6249


I get this on my warrior, mostly in the water though. There’s nothing more frustrating than being at extremely low health and almost killing the mob you’re fighting, only for it to stop and become invulnerable and heal to full and then start attacking you the instant you try to move again.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I’ve encountered all of these problems with my Engineer, lately they seem to be happening more often. I’ve also seen this happen during events, when some big boss is at 20-50% HP and it suddenly goes 100%. It’s really annoying

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DropTrigger.5217


There were several threads about the resetting / leashing bugs (and the stupidity of having hard resetting and leashing mechanics in a 2012 game in the first place) back during the beta weekends. Nothing seems to have changed.

Someone at Arena Net seems to think that protecting the mobs’ right to kill players without those players being able to exploit some flaw in the mob’s AI is more important than letting the players have fun while playing the game.

That’s why they can magically heal back to 100, that’s why they can spawn out of nowhere, right on top of players, that’s why they can push players off ledges but players can’t push them, etc..

“When in doubt, mob is granted god mode.”

And when developers have that kind of mentality there isn’t much hope that things will improve.

That’s exactly how it seems. “When in doubt, mob is granted god mode.”

This game trolls players so hard it’s not even funny. Well maybe the devs are laughing, but nobody else is.

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Curo.2483


Agreed to all of the above posts. I understand that messing around with a mob’s aggro and reset range becomes an easier way to kill them, and should be prevented, but for us to remain in combat while an enemy heals to 100% is unacceptable.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’ve seen this many times on my Ranger too – particularly in the water. It’s really frustrating to have a mob that is actively hitting you and/or your pet become “immune” and still continue to hit you (for general in-the-world mobs activating “I can’t path to you” protections, not special event mobs).

Other things that cause it:

  • Mob focuses on pet, and pet moves/is knocked back onto a rock – mob thinks it can’t hit the pet anymore and becomes immune – even though the mob is in melee range and/or has the ability to simply run (not jump, run) onto the same rock.
  • Mob is higher/lower in the water than you. They don’t understand height in the water properly. Even 1/2 a body length difference in height, with NO obstructions around, can result in the mob going invulnerable. They can be in Spear melee range, but above/below and will go invulnerable and start healing for 5-10 seconds before re-engaging.
  • Mob chases you across the map. You stop to fight it…stand in one place not moving, and at 5-10% health mob turns around and runs away, healing up again, invulnerable while running away, and then turns back around to attack you again. If they were leashed – why did they come back? Why did they take so long for them to decide to go? If they were not leashed – why did they turn around, become invulnerable, and run away? If they were just healing (like a player would), why did they also become invulnerable?
  • (Affects Rangers) Jump down off/up to a ledge to fight a mob at melee range. Mob stands there doing nothing and invulnerable. Look around and realise that your pet stayed on the previous ledge, and because the mob can’t hit the pet on the ledge it’s standing around doing nothing. Swap pets so that your pet arrives at your feet, mob immediately attacks pet but takes another 3-5 seconds to clear out of invulnerable mode (it’s hitting you/your pet, but can’t be hit back). Meanwhile, your opening skills are all on cooldown, etc – wasted because the mob decided that the pet way over there that hadn’t hit it yet was more important than the Ranger in melee that was actively trying to bash in it’s face.
  • More recently – I don’t think this was an issue originally, but the last week I’ve been seeing it a bit. Successfully kiting an enemy (in a circle, so not leaving leash range) with snares can see the mob decide to become invulnerable because “it can’t hit you”. Chill/Spike trap/SB “3”/LB “4”/speed boost from Rampage as One/dodge – if it doesn’t get to hit you or your pet for a significant period of time it goes invulnerable thinking you’re exploiting terrain, instead of just using the CC skills you had effectively. That’d tie in with blind also triggering it.

The severity of the “immune” has seemed to become a lot worse/more frequent in the last week or so for me. I don’t know whether that’s an artifact of where/what type of fighting I’ve been doing (e.g. becoming more skilled in kiting/using CC), or due to some change introduced in the patch a week ago.

^ All of that also…still. (awesome post Melana)

In addition to those, on my ranger I also frequently get the enemy racing toward me, all the time being pelted in the face with my arrows from my short bow while I’m standing still and not moving at all and in a flat and open field, and as it is getting closer to me my hits suddenly turn into a spam of “Out Of Range” or “Obstructed”… It is mere feet in front of me and it’s suddenly being blocked by air that has magically become too dense for my arrows to pierce, or it has some gravitational lensing ability that it uses to make it seem as if it is farther away than it actually is.


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Mobs Reset, Mobs Take No Damage, Downed State Skills Cause No Damage, etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


I also experience this at times. It tends to happen if I can’t kill a baddie fast enough on a ranged character. But mostly, I’ve noticed it on my engineer in particular. She’s only lvl 26, so I can’t attest to Orr, but I can say it happens a lot to be annoying and get me killed a ton.

At 25% or less health, it runs away (I’m at about 50%), I get it down again just to have a respawn on me. I go down, target changes to the one with higher health. I switch back to the lower one (about 10% health). I whittle it down a bit, but not enough before I die while it has 1% or even no noticeable red health (probably about 10 hit points or so). I just can’t kill them if I get caught off guard with the reset/re-engage while the big hitters are on cd and player health didn’t recover. I’ve also had issues rallying when one in a group does go down on occasion. But usually, they’re still standing with some invisible sliver of health while I’m charr meat.

I’m currently getting this issue (mostly) in the Plains of Ashford and Diessa Plateau on my engineer, but I have seen it on other characters while using ranged skills (Mesmer in Queensdale/kessex hills, ranger once or twice. Never on my Nero, but I think I kill them too fast on her).

(edited by Kyllaa.1385)