Mobs becoming invulnerable and healing halfway through fight
I get this a lot too and I have also noticed it more so underwater.
This has also caused my story quest to bug before as a mob spawned on a flagpole and my quest NPC would not advance because she was attacking the nvulnerable target.
Usually mobs are made to go invulnerable to avoid exploitation and stuff, which is understandable, but it is really frustrating when mobs just reset out of no where.
I have had this with regular mobs as well as Veterans and Champions which is even more annoying!
I hope it gets fixed soon! :]
This happens to me all the time and it’s incredibly frustrating because it often happens when I’m just about to win a fight with only a third of my hp left. The mob runs all the way back to its spawn point, regains its hp up to 100% then comes back to continue the fight while I’m still at a third health because I’m being considered “in combat” the entire time.
On a side note, this also seems to be tied to some kind of issue regarding the way the mobs aggro. I’ve noticed this issue a lot on my mesmer. After shattering illusions, the mob apparently “forgets” that I exist and goes to run back to its spawn point (the issue seems particularly prevalent when I’ve pulled the mob very far from where it was originally standing). Sometimes, the mob will continue running back and regaining health even as I’m attacking. The mob isn’t even invulnerable at this point. It’s taking damage but its healing is outpacing my damage so it still ends up with full hp by the time it “remembers” that I exist. I really hope this issue gets looked at soon because it’s making soloing as a mesmer a total nightmare.
I also have this problem, most of the time while under water, but sometimes on land.
I now avoid water battles as much as possible.
While I personally have no issues when the anti-exploit code is working properly, I too have seen it trigger for no apparent reason at all, usually in underwater combat. (In melee range no less – I am shoving a spear through them and being told it’s not connecting.) And I’m often not even far from their point of origin, so distance doesn’t necessarily seem to be the trigger for it.
Add me to that list as well. It’s really getting to be annoying. Especially when it’s a Veteran or Champion that I have managed after some time to beat it down to 5% of its health, I’m at 5% of my health it runs over and heals to full. Then comes back and kills me. Makes me want to choke someone. Oh and BTW, the other one I hate is when there is ONE enemy ( of whatever kind) and I attack and kill it. Then while I’m still “in combat” so my health is not regenerating, TWO instantly spawn. I kill them and THREE instantly spawn. Then FOUR spawn. I have actually made it to FIVE before being killed. I would like to thank the idiot that thought that was a good game mechanic to make.
I’ve had this oddity happen quite often as well. It’s really strange when I’m using the flamethrower and one or two of the group in the flames is suddenly invulnerable.
Yes—-both underwater and on land—this invunerable thing seems to be rearing its’ ulgy head more more recently—never mind the quick respawn rates.
I encountered this on a champion spider in a cave. About 5 or 6 of us were trying to kill it. We would get it to about half health, then it would become invulnerable and heal to full. It did this repeatedly until the event failed, then it disappeared. Very discouraging.
is this why the spider’s in AC (the room where you’re about to fight the giant spider queen) keep becoming invulnerable if you jump across to the ledge rather than run down the steps to the right? if so that’s in terrible taste, i jump to the ledge because i drop way fast if i don’t jump onto there, besides it makes perfect sense if you know you can fight them with a certain advantage.
Is it exploiting? Not really, i’d say it’s using your head.
Add me to the list. This game is so engrossing, and makes you feel like you’re really involved in everything that happens. I can get lost in it for hours, and feel like I’m a real adventurer.
But then the 4th wall disappears, the disbelief sets in, and some stupid creature becomes invincible and regains health and I die…
not because I was trying to exploit something
not because the creature was magical in some way
not because the creature was skilled at dodging
but because…
…the fight was on a larger scale than the allowed “vulnerability zone”
…I was smart about attacking an enemy from a ledge or such.
…the enemy is fighting something (mesmer clones or such) that dies, and I’m outside the “vulnerability zone”
So, my question is… what exploit exactly is this stopping?
The exploit where you kill things without taking damage? Then make things have in game ways of countering. It reminds me of how they say, “Don’t report a skill as imbalanced until you’ve tried countering it.” I’d say the same to them. Don’t treat it as an exploit until you’re sure there is absolutely no other way to deal with it.
Edit: I would much rather have it so that every creature would pull you to them and knock you down, rather than every creature becoming invulnerable. I’m sure there are better solutions than this, but it would be a step up.
(edited by Squarelycircle.6287)
Out of every bug in the game, this is by far the most annoying and disruptive. My head practically exploded last night when I was fighting 2 mobs underwater, got them both to 50%, then one went invulnerable and started swimming away. I chased it for a sec and lost some HP before turning around and attacking the other one. Then the second one went invulnerable and started swimming away as the previous mob returned and began attacking at full HP. Then the second one came back and loaded me up with bleeds again.
After dying I cursed the developer that designed this flawed evade system and went somewhere else.
This happened to me persistently not while under water but fighting harpies over the pond near the ogre village.
Under water, it mostly happens when I fight with my elementalist. I use a combo which can take the first 30-50% of a mob’s life in 2-3 seconds (almost no damage after that for a while) so if I do that before they have a chance to even attack me, something kicks in and it becomes invulnerable. Worst of all is: I have no idea when this ends. I’m simply left “in combat”, not healing, while the mob heals fully, and then after a while suddenly attacks me.
On the bright side, it frees up traits in PVE, because there’s really no point upgrading the range on anything.
Yes, this is really one of those issues that punishes a player for playing smart. If it were removed yesterday, I would still consider filing a petition to have it removed the day before yesterday.
This is one of the worst ideas I have ever seen in an MMO, mobs should not get god mode because you found a way to out-smart their range. Make them smart and flee, I wouldn’t have a problem with that, but making them go in to god mode and not dropping your combat just is the ultimate killer. If you weren’t going to die when you got up to that spot you may be doing so now that your all on recharge and that mob is now coming back to onslaught you. Not to mention the reset on it is horid, for one second of you finding that spot you may be banging on a god mode mob that can still have agro on you and stomping you in to the ground and all you can do is cry about it.
If you want to promote in your face combat take out ranged classes, till then take out god mode mobs is what I say…
I agree with all the gentlemen above of me.
Terrible idea, as a Ranger it’s nice to be able to use the terrian to advantage, get higher, play from a “ranged” position.
I’ve had mobs go invulnerable when they are 25% health, or just stay invulnerable while I stand there like a muppet taking a beating.
Sort it out ArenaNet.
This is not the first topic that complains about this mechanic. Something really needs to be done about it.
The game forces me to run and dodge constantly because mobs are intentionally hit very hard to force us into using dodging and then in the moment I cross invisible line they don’t just run away (I would be fine with it) but they gain invulnerability and regeneration. And the best thing – my character, unlike monster, stays in the combat mode and, it’s really fun, still keeps the aggro, and that’s why mobs are usually come back to finish us once they feel better.
I actually really would like to hear Arena’s opinion on how we, players, are supposed to deal with the situation.
Strangely enough, as I said before, I seem to be the only one getting this issue WITHOUT the invulnerability. For me the mob just starts running back to its origin point while gaining insanely fast HP regen so that even if I’m right on its heels attacking it as it runs it still manages to have full or near-full HP by the time it rejoins the fight.
Even worse, I just got this issue again the other day in an INSTANCED story mission. I was fighting this warrior boss NPC and dodging around to keep myself from dying when, all of a sudden, the NPC used that little spinning greatsword attack that warriors have and sent HIMSELF outside of his reset zone. Once he reached the end of the attack range he instantly turned around, started regenning huge amounts of HP and walked right past me even as I was hitting him in the face with my own attacks. Only when he got back to his original spawn point did he turn around and continue the fight. >.<