Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

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Posted by: Sentinel.5731


Had this happen a few times. Got all the way through the Arah story mission without a single mob dropping a single piece of loot for any of our party. (One person did claim that maybe he got a moldy sack)

The rest of us were on skype, and none of us got a single drop.


We got the the part on the mega airship where we have to defend zoja. (sp) Then we all got loot like we normally would have.

The bosses all still dropped loot like normal, but none of the mobs dropped a single piece until the final airship battle with Zhaitain

This has happened on the past two runs that I have done on story mode.

Is this a bug?

Morvik Dragonslayer
FF | Nerf

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

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Posted by: Sentinel.5731


Sorry, on Northern Shiverpeaks server. Forgot to add that

Morvik Dragonslayer
FF | Nerf

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

It’s likely that the early enemies do not drop loot, because we had people farming the dungeon without ever finishing it.

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sentinel.5731


Thanks for the response. I appreciate the feedback.

May I ask what constitutes early though? To get the the point where loot finally dropped we had to kill

3 Beginning bosses
1 Legendary boss
1 Dragon Champion
2 Dragon Champions

I understand the desire to prevent abuse. Yet the whole dungeon itself yields little in the way of reward. (It is impossible to loot the legendary boss because the cutscene imminently teleports you to back to the airship). Most of the enemies are the silver bracketed tough kind, even if the loot was mediocre it just FEELS rough to keep bashing my head against tough baddies that do not drop loot whatsoever.

If it is going to be the case that the loot is going to be concentrated at the end, would a scenario where the loot chance in the final push is increased to compensate be something that would be possible?

Again thanks for the fast reply

Morvik Dragonslayer
FF | Nerf

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

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Posted by: MOOMANiBE.2638


Speaking as a player relatively new to GW, I found this dungeon massively unrewarding in story mode when I tried it for the first time last night. I got maybe 2-3 mob drops through the entire dungeon, and while the chest count was decent, I am reasonably sure that I got far, far more from AC or CM in terms of rewards when I ran them in story mode. Considering this is supposed to be the big final story dungeon, I was left extremely underwhelmed.

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

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Posted by: varonecl.4265


Arah Story Mode is massively unrewarding especially for its length. When I completed the story for the number of champions and veterans I only received 1 yellow! Everything else was crap that was better off gambling with a salvage than selling. Anything below green is hardly worth it. The end reward really was not that appealing either. Oh and I did this with a full compliment Magic Find Gear. Still not sure how that works as it seems the drop rate only improves, but i still get crappy whites.

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leamas.5803


It’s likely that the early enemies do not drop loot, because we had people farming the dungeon without ever finishing it.

Ummmm, who cares if people are farming and not finishing…as long as they’re people and not bots. Your statement goes against GW2’s whole ideal of play the way you want to play. If you consider it an exploit, fix the exploit and don’t ruin it for people who are actually playing. Either way, for Arah (Or any instance-type environment), if DR applied based on the number of times you enter in a given day and not the number of times you finish it…problem solved…farmers/bots won’t bother while people actually playing get just rewards. Dungeon rewards and final boss chest DR should ONLY apply based on the number of times finished however. While this applies to Arah, I’ve seen similar results in AC…and well, open world is just appalling where there is no point in doing boss events unless your after items from karma merchants. There has to better ways to stem bot use than to globally and savagely reduce loot drops. I love this game, which is why I’ve been so outspoken on this issue, but this is hurting the game and driving people away.

(edited by Leamas.5803)

Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

The reason it is this way is because the enemies are infinite in most parts of that dungeon, which would result in farm hot-spots. ANet has consistently approached farming hot-spots like this by making them not drop loot or reducing the frequency of the event. I would color this working as intended by ANet.

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Mobs in Arah story dont drop loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leamas.5803


The reason it is this way is because the enemies are infinite in most parts of that dungeon, which would result in farm hot-spots. ANet has consistently approached farming hot-spots like this by making them not drop loot or reducing the frequency of the event. I would color this working as intended by ANet.

Thanks for the clarification. There still has to be a better way. To be honest, I am a gear-driven player as many players are and the way drops are now, I really have no interest in doing Arah or any boss event really. Why would I when I can get the same reward killing risen chickens is open world?

A little off topic, you know the first and only time I did the Melandru event I got blues from the chest…after an hour and a half. I’ve done the Champion Risen Abomination in Cursed Shore 4 times…never a drop…not once. I took over 12 silver in damage/waypoint fees the first time I fought it. It just liked me that day, it agroed on me immediately after I respawned every time…5-6 times in a row…I didn’t even have to hit it. :P Either way, off topic.