Molten Facility Bugs

Molten Facility Bugs

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Posted by: Aylaine.1036


The two main bosses don’t have voices, but the musical volume goes down when their text appears.

When you discover areas, the area name is not displayed. You simply see ’’Discovered’’.

Braham has missing audio too, during a few parts of the dungeon.

These are just what I’ve noticed so far.

Thank you for the amazing dungeon Arena Net. :o

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Paul Belz.7351

Paul Belz.7351

Thanks for the reports. I believe the audio may be getting dropped due to the number of other sounds going on. I’ll send this report to the audio guys and see if they can figure out what is going on.

The discovered is by design though.

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lily Miranda.5407

Lily Miranda.5407

When my group wiped on the final boss, the moment everyone was ressed at the waypoint it ported us back to the boss and restarted it before everyone was ready. We wanted to be able to pause a moment and discuss tactics, but it threw up back in immediately without warning.

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeskelech.4152


It seems that when all the prisoners are freed, there is no way to proceed, get to a big door but nothing happens.

The quest asks us to proceed by escorting the prisoners out.

(edited by Jeskelech.4152)

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Auruan.2837


Adding another potential bug.
Finishing the dungeon did not contribute to the Daily Dungeon Completer achievement.

Other than that, had fun. Boss health was a tad high, but eh, used to it by now.

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Miracle Bomb.6275

Miracle Bomb.6275

It seems that when all the prisoners are freed, there is no way to proceed, get to a big door but nothing happens.

The quest asks us to proceed by escorting the prisoners out.

My group and I are experiencing the same problem. We reached the end just before the final boss fight and nothing is happening to progress to the part where we activate the three things (forgot what they were) to open the door. The NPC’s just follow us around and nothing’s happening while it’s telling us to escort them out. Tried waypointing, dying, running in and out of areas… nothing seems to try to trigger the last part.

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Same issue got to the gate after the Steam vents and it just wouldn’t open.

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


For the doors to open at certain points you need to wait for Braham and Rox to get close and have some short dialogue, after that doors will open and you can proceed.

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tatami.8076


From what I’ve read, finishing the dungeon is supposed to give the “Rage Agsinst the Machine” achievement, which I didn’t get.

I tried finding Brabham and Rox, but they don’t spawn in the great Lodge/Stockades, probably because I’m not “done” with the facility.

I’ll have to try working through again later or tomorrow

EDIT: I worked through it a second time, with the character I did the previous story missions on, and got the achievement now. I think the problem in the first run was that I was kicked out(?) of the dungeon during the running away phase at the end I thought someone reached the exit already so we left with the counter at 1:xx, since the full party was together outside in Wayfarer’s Foothills. We didn’t exit to the elevator in Diessa’s Plateau.

(edited by tatami.8076)

Molten Facility Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blood Jester.4765

Blood Jester.4765

Had this bug as well, I just finished the dungeon and didn’t get the achievement.

I’ve done all the other F&F events prior to doing the dungeon and finished it properly but still didn’t get the achievement

(edited by Blood Jester.4765)