Monster invulnerable bug
part of this could be intended mechanic and part could be bug. depends on the specific circumstance. if you stand somewhere high for example and pelt an enemy that cant reach you then the enemy will take damage for a few seconds and then turn invulnerable since it cant fight back. thats intended. if you have specific issues of standing say face to face with an enemy that does that randomly its definitely a bug. need more info
I know they will go invulnerable when you try to snipe them from a place where they can’t reach you.
I have ready said it, in the middle of a combat with the monster right next to each other: ie I’m hitting it and it is hitting me. It will all of a sudden becomes invulnerable and walks back to its “spawn point”. Sometimes it happens 2 meters away, sometimes it happens on its spawn spot. And it happens more often in under water monsters than land ones. And it is random.
(edited by Zplus.4217)
oh yes, this is really annoying, but add to this the occassional monster that does go invulnerable, but keeps attacking while its health goes back up. I have had what OP said happen, but also invulnerable + attack happen as well.
With the water issue, I’ve seen it happen in open water, but also I’ve seen it when foe is right next to structures/rocks/map wall …. I am wondering if for a moment the mechanics thinks the foe is on the other side of the surface face, this would explain some situations (but not all).
Maybe the mob’s trying to reposition itself, somehow picks an impossible location to move to and can’t find a path to it, triggering the anti-tactics code? Would explain why they sometimes go invincible mid-fight when the player hasn’t even moved at all.
I’ve had close to a dozen mobs go invincible on me today while leveling and finishing those underwater hearts I’ve been avoiding.
What’s really annoying is that the player character sometimes does not leave combat while the invincible mob is nearby, even if the mob’s given up on attacking already and there’s no debuffs on either the mob or the player. Recovering health is very slow without the out-of-combat regen.
And, if the player was fighting other mobs and they start respawning before the long heal cooldown lets the player recover at all, this goes from annoying to frustrating fast.
I know they will go invulnerable when you try to snipe them from a place where they can’t reach you.
I have ready said it, in the middle of a combat with the monster right next to each other: ie I’m hitting it and it is hitting me. It will all of a sudden becomes invulnerable and walks back to its “spawn point”. Sometimes it happens 2 meters away, sometimes it happens on its spawn spot. And it happens more often in under water monsters than land ones. And it is random.
i haven’t quite seen the issue you are describing with the monster going invulnerable but i have seen plenty of times where the monster will “leash” in the middle of combat and run back to the spot you pulled them from while regenerating health. that mechanic seems a bit odd as certain monsters do not do it in the same spot or same distance from their pull point. i’ve seen some underwater monsters go invulnerable for a few seconds and then come out of it but nothing on land thats been right in front of me
yeah this has happened to me a few times… the monster suddenly goes invulnerable and heals itself a little, then starts fighting again
I never really had any problems with this… until last weekend’s event! Now I am constantly running into it, and it has caused some expensive, time consuming, and frustrating deaths. (Most recently, in the Windy Cave jumping puzzle, where I encountered an invulnerable veteran imp. The invulnerability, as it turned out, was purely one-sided, because it proceeded to spawn mini imps and lay waste to myself, my tourets, and my party members without so much as taking a scratch.)
For anyone who has never been to Windy Cave in Lornar’s Pass, please allow me to elaborate: There was no lag. The cave is not near any map walls. It is a jumping puzzle. The platforms’ surfaces are VERY limited and it would be virtually impossible to kite this Vet anywhere, so we were clearly not causing it to go invulnerable by leaving it’s programmed area. We fought it exactly where we encountered it. Then we died while it continued to sit there quite innocuously.
Prior to tonight/since last weekend, I had been noticing similar issues with mobs and bosses, mostly during events in the Bloodtide coast, (both underwater and on land) and had been reporting them frequently in the hopes that they’d soon be fixed. Like everyone else here, my character was engaging one or several mobs and was happily beating the skritt out of them, until suddenly one or several of them would go invulnerable and start healing rapidly. I was within Melee range, no kiting, no discernable rhyme or reason.
To make matters worse, if my attack accidently hit one of the “invulnerable” ones in a group of mobs, any AOE/Splash damage was negated and of course, any stacked conditions were removed instantly (damaging conditions on me however were unaffected). When taking on, let’s say, 5-9 risen inquest at a time, the result of this bug is usually fatal for the player. Dropping silver on waypoints and armor repairs adds insult to injury. Oh, did I mention that this also happened during my personal story instance earlier today as well? Come to think of it, I did seem to be being swarmed by a higher number of mobs than usual. Could mobs maybe be respawning before they’ve even been defeated, and racting to the glitch by going invulnerable?
People are quick to point out that after the initial purchase, this game is free, but unfortunately, my time is not. I have a motto: Games are meant to be fun, and should only be played until they stop being a source of enjoyment. When that happens, it’s time to do something else. I’m going to keep my eye on this thread to see when this bug gets fixed, but until it does, I’m taking a vacation from GW2.
(edited by wickedgreen.4685)
I’m posting this as a bump. This seems to have started happening since after Halloween.
Pretty much else have been said by everyone above. So, yeah.
I have noticed this occurring with large frequency. Been playing in Queensdale, helping a new player. No apparent reason mobs go invulnerable.
This bug is there since beta. It’s to prevent sniping monsters, but some bug in the pathing make mobs go invulnerable even when standing next to the player.
I’m having htis problem + the random obstructed even though the mod is in the middle of nowhere
Just died again due to this bug. It’s soooo annoying I just had to file a bug report and post. I had the riverdrake broodmother splintered and she decided to call time-out and heal up to 3/4 while her minions pounded on me.
Please everyone that’s affected by this file an in-game bug report every time it happens, or at least every time you die from it. It’s the only way it will get some attention from however few people they have fixing bugs.
I’ve experienced this on occasion with flying mobs (bats, etc.) and found the only way to actually do damage is to AOE them for a moment before they finally come down to me so I can whack at them on my level.
Annoying is an understatement. I’ve even seen Drakes do this on land but not in the water, and occasionally, in water but not on land. So it appears to be random and if you are on a slight incline they treat it like a mountain in their way and turn invulnerable then go back to full health.
Saw an uncontested temple in Orr (what a miracle!) and decided to go over and grab the rest of my alt set gear. Fight a few monsters and both in water (shark) and on land (risen) both turns invulnerable during mid-fight still.
Please take a look devs.
Invulnerable. Happens quite often, especially underwater. I’m tired of defeat because some monster goes invulnerable and then gets 5 or 6 of his buddies to drop me like a rock. This is not fun and so far I don’t see any comments from anet.
It starts to get really annoying when you fight a mob and all of a sudden it goes like “Nope! Non of this. -starts regenerate health and stands around for a few seconds, ignoring everything then turns and throws self over the player-”
I wish I could do that! Turn invurnable when I was about to die from a mob and just walk away. I also wish we were able to kite the mob around and it would not reset for as long as we were attacking it. (Kiting the whale shark into Stormwind harbour anyone?) If you take half a step too far away from the mob’s spawn point, it suddenly turns around and runs back, even though you are throwing all your attacks on it.
Theres also land mobs that this happens to, the most annoying one is the veteran ice imp in dregdehunt cliffs that u need a key to open his room, this vet mob will still attack u whilst invulnerable, you have to run away and come back several times to try and gte the vet mob to lose the invulnerable stat, it can take ages sometimes, but still attack whilst u can do diddlysquat to it.
Sadly this has been brought up super often especially with underwater content. This can be triggered by a variety off issues but mainly on the Z axis (hence occurring often in water and less so on land) (but more often with flying mobs as that gets back onto the Z axis).
They have responded with “working on as intended” which means we will simply have to live with this consistent glitch.
Personally I’ve just given up on fighting underwater mobs.
It is just so aggravating to have them “cheat” like this.
Do you even lift, bro?