Monthly Achievement reward glitched?
The new laurel reward for monthlies starts with february, not january.
Content Designer
The monthly laurel reward doesn’t start until February.
aha…thanks for the swift reply! guess i was getting a little worked up after checking the wiki page and it already listing laurels as included in the reward for completion, glad to know it’s not just me going mad though!
I was browsing through my achievements, when I came accross one that I had completed in the past. The Halloween Achievement for Pumpkin Carving had been reset. Luckily, I had a character who still had the title up. Is anybody else having issues with missing achievements?
Devil Of The Mists
Gems N Tonic [GnT]
Formerly Best Team North Africa [NA]
Gems N Tonic [GnT]
Formerly Best Team North Africa [NA]