Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]
Scratch that both my guildies got nothing
Right now, Brisban Wildlands, Mordrem Events.
Half of the map got nothing as reward.
gz anet.
and that was independent of buff stacks you get
10 guildies on the map for the whole event, not one of us got anything.
Seriously, over half the map got no rewards. This is dumb. And, the most anyone got was 5 blooms. Considering somethings cost over 450 blooms……….how long do you think someone will be doing this?!!!
same problem. 11 stacks of “Brisban Invasion Defender”, yet no reward. Hopefully we can get a fix soon.
The first invasion of the 4-day event just ended. It seems to have a format where you complete events to get a stacking buff, which affects your reward at the end of the 30-minute invasion.
I had 12 stacks at the end of the event, but did not receive any reward. This seems to have been a common but not completely widespread problem: some folks got rewards, some didn’t. folks with less stacks got rewards, folks with less stacks didn’t, folks with more stacks got rewards, folks with more stacks didn’t.
also, everyone got 5 blooms regardless of how many stacks they had
same, got 10 stacks of Brisban invasion defender, got no reward. I was in the same instance the entire time.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
same here. I got to 12 stacks and no reward. Seems like another untested event where Anet haven’t learned from past – DC = no reward, rewards awarded only to few people,…
11 stacks of defender in Brisbane and no reward here either.
19 events did during the 30 minutes and nothing…..
well played! A-net you trolled us perfectly!
12 stacks and no reward.
9 stacks no reward, and the max some people got on the map was 5 blooms, which seems pretty broken to me :/
12 stacks here, no reward, no blooms, no drops, nothing.
Same here, got nothing.
Just recently completed my first Mordrem Invasion Event in Brisband Wildlands.
30minutes of Slicing, Throwing Bombs, Catapulting, etc.
Not a single copper, bag, karma, loot, chest, nothing given. I don’t think Exp was given either.
But I did acquire 13 stacks of Brisban Invasion Defender, which ‘Increases the rewards when the Mordrem are beaten.’
I am extremely disappointed.
Go ahead and add me to the list of jilted players.
10-stacks, In-map before event started, during and 20 minutes after.
An hour of my life I’ll never get back.
It wasn’t even fun due to incredible lag spikes and awful fps rate (all on a T1 internet connection).
LtCol USMC Res. Ret.
Wait, didn’t we have that before? The wvw season rewards were not working and there was a huge mess because the reward tickets already given out to the players had to be validated. PLEASE TEST STUFF BEFORE IT GOES LIVE.
Yeah, nothing. Plus the client crashed while I was standing around zinder slope waiting to see if something else was supposed to happen, so lost the buff too. :P
Yeah, nothing. Plus the client crashed while I was standing around zinder slope waiting to see if something else was supposed to happen, so lost the buff too. :P
Same happened to me. Didn’t crash but I was DC’d presumably by anet while trying to figure out why I got no reward and read mapchat of scores of people with a similar result.
LtCol USMC Res. Ret.
Dang Mordrem. They’re EVERYWHERE! They even got into the code and did bad stuffs.
Seriously, we’re really sorry about the non-reward issue! The team is aware of the problem and is working to correct the issue as soon as possible.
2 times the same!!!
Same here. Two tries, two different maps, 6 and 8 stacks respectively. No rewards.
Some people are linking 5 Mordrem Blooms in map chat, though, so it looks like distribution of rewards is random.
Update, did the second event in Kessex hills. 15 stacks this time, still no reward, sounds like most of the folks in map chat also received no reward.
Well at least they’re aware of it. Still, that’s two runs now with no rewards, and if each event really only gives out 5 blooms then to get the potions that’s 90 events, or 45 hours of continuous play. Hope the number of blooms skyrockets.
Just finished kessex hills with 6 stacks, no reward.
I also did the event and received no rewards at all. I was up to 11 stack of defender and it looked like chests were trying to pop up where the normal reward chests do but then nothing.
two runs, no rewards please give me something for wasting my team and crushing the hype and expectations…
I also just finished 2 rounds of this event. I got nothing for both of them as well.
Didnt get nothing from doing both evens with 10+ stacks in each area. People are getting 400G skins and we get jack S—t.
two runs, no rewards
please give me something for wasting my team and crushing the hype and expectations…
Oh god, I hope they’re ok?
Confirmed x2, no reward.
Just completed the same Mordrem Event in Kessex Hills.
Did NOT receive a single copper, karma, bag, loot chest, NOR EXP.
This time I accumulated 14 stacks of Kessex Invasion Defender.
I would like a reward please.
I finished the event as well with no rewards, exp, anything. Just posting as a confirmation of the bug.
I have done both events so far, and have received no reward. I have screen shots of both times, and reported in game bug and also submitted a ticket. I am honestly tired of not receiving reward for events I have participated in. Fix it or cancel the event.
me ither recoded whole event no reward Not worth trying agin with 3 fps and 400 ping on a $3000 computer
Finished 2 events, 1 with few stacks and other with 9. 0 drop etc. Nice job guys from anet
Currently waiting for the event to commence in Diessa Plateau.
Fingers crossed.
me ither recoded whole event no reward Not worth trying agin with 3 fps and 400 ping on a $3000 computer
If you were actually getting 3 fps, that’s on your end, not Anet’s fault. I’m playing on a 2011 Macbook Pro and my fps didn’t drop below 20.
finished all events knowing its a bug. im curious if we just getting a snafu and then nothing in reply. just a fixed now, sorry. or back pay for those of us on and not at work,school etc.
Did two events events, other with 7 stacks and other with 5. And no rewards.
You can see in this video (it’s really short)
You DC for any reason and you loose all your reward points. It does not matter if you come back to the same instance of the game or not. This way i lost 9 points whatever they mean. Not that i should need to be in a group anyway, there is no point to do it in this kind of events.
Will Anet solve this problem? This is very discouraging and also very upsetting. You Dc at the end of the event and you loose all the rewards. Not fair.
This has always been the case. DCing is the same as logging or zoning. If you leave the zone during an event you lose progress in that event.
Whether it’s good or bad this was an actual design decision made early on by ANet.
How can it possibly be good? If you sign in again you should not have lost credit in the event or forfeit any rewards. How is my 25 minutes followed by a disconnect worth less (except for RNG) than anyone else in the event?
This has always been the case. DCing is the same as logging or zoning. If you leave the zone during an event you lose progress in that event.
Whether it’s good or bad this was an actual design decision made early on by ANet.
A lot of players have complained about this. When it’s a buff or a boon is annoying but if this counter affects actively your reward i think is very discouraging and simply wrong.
So ,if you have 0 of this you get nothing?
After half an hour playing the events you DC because the servers can’t handle the traffic and your are entitled to nothing? What’s the point of do the events then?
Since chances are close to 100% you won’t get any reward at all you shouldn’t worry too much about DCs /shrug
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.
17stacks of Diessa Plateau Defender and again, not a single reward.
Sigh* All I want is a Selfless Potion.
This has been an issue ever since..
It’s not “good” to lose your progress made via DCing but it has to work that way since especially world bosses and such aren’t upscaled/downscaled every second.
I have same issue. 18 stacks, no reward whatsoever.
Did 3 maps, no reward.
Kessex – no rewards, did Diessa immediately after and got 5 blossoms and vine covered crate with 10 or 11 stacks at the time.