Mordremoth Fight

Mordremoth Fight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: netherus.2536


This has got to be the buggiest thing I’ve ever encountered. The gliding mechanic NEVER works.

Seriously Anet, fix it.

Mordremoth Fight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Locce.8405


I feel your pain. I need several weeks between characters to build up the nerve to play through that mess again. Just did it for the fourth time an hour ago and it seems to be just as bugged as ever. We were two players and we wiped two times because of the updrafts not working at all. Well, technically we wiped three times, but on the third try I got lucky that I was shot down late during that flight phase. When I could not take flight again and got downed my pet could resurrect me juuuust in time.

1st try: no problems during first flight, both players wipe during second phase
2nd try: no problems during first flight, 1 player dies during second phase, 1 during third phase
3rd try: no problems during first flight, 1 player dies during second phase, other player survises despite bug during 3rd phase

Fort both players combined that leaves a total of 8 flight phases without bug and 6 flight phases with launch failure bug. That is a percentage in excess of 40%, and we were no unluckier this time than on any other day.

Mordremoth Fight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


For the first time in numerous attempts at this fight, I’ve actually made it past the second flight without it bugging, every other time it failed to launch. Got to the third flight, launch into the air, was knocked immediately back down, went into the updraft, which was right where I fell since it’s same one I launched from, immediately knocked back down, Back into the updraft, no launch. Death.

GJ Anet. I can win this fight, Every single tedious, annoying part of it, only to be killed by the buggy, waste of time, serves no purpose flight sequence.




Mordremoth Fight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Locce.8405


It would not be half as bad if at least the bubbles for the NPCs served as optional shelter during that phase, but unfortunately they do exactly nothing. So it is death by bug after death by bug after death by bug. And the whole issue seems to be quite low on Anet’s priority list.

Mordremoth Fight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Albione.3894


I tried this encounter for the first time today, having recently bought Heart of Thorns, and was disheartened to find that the bugs (most notably the glider bug that I ran into) are still in this mission many months after release.

This fight is incredibly drawn out as it is without game stopping problems like this one. It’d be helpful, at least, if the fight continued from the “stage” that you’re at rather than reset to the start every time you die. There simply isn’t any real reason for a solo story quest to be this painfully slow going, even without the bugs.

(edited by Albione.3894)