Mount jumping bug

Mount jumping bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kisai Hikaru.1052

Kisai Hikaru.1052

I don’t know if this has been mentioned already before, and I don’t know what caused it, but just now I found that I could no longer jump while running on my mount. WHen standing still on my mount I could jump, but I could no longer jump while pressing forwards. When I dismounted, it worked like normal and when I remounted, it worked again as well so that did fix it. Just making mention of it ^^

Mount jumping bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thesilverdragoon.3078


I noticed the jump uses the endurance gauge, was it empty when you tried? My mount will not jump if the gauge is empty.

Mount jumping bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Abaddons Envoy.5918

Abaddons Envoy.5918

You can allow your mount to jump without using endurance if you check the “Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input” box at the bottom of the Options menu (first options tab, scroll aaaaaaaall the way down). After that, your mount will merely do a standard jump when you hit spacebar, and will only do the conditional mount movement ability (e.g., for Raptor, the long-jump) when you hit the keybind you set for it (default is V, iirc). Running out of endurance might’ve been your problem, although I somewhat doubt it. But, hey: just in case.