Mouse Bug
this might be just on your end
the original dab daddy
GW2 is the only game where it happens, didn’t happen before the patch. I recreated all my settings but it happens over and over again. I have no idea what the problem might be.
I have been getting the same mouse issues in game only. Everything functions fine outside of the game.
Other’s are reporting similar bugs. My mouse wheel hasn’t worked since the patch. The problem is ONLY in the game.
I noticed this too but not sure if it’s a bug, maybe they changed the way the camera works in the latest patch? In GTAV for console (PC version got free cam) the camera snaps back into place when you start to move even slightly forwards so I figured they played with the camera on this game to do the same thing because it seems to be like that. I hope it’s a bug then I can actually be able to have free cam again in GW2 at least. On GTAV it’s a annoying.
I hold down my right mouse button to move and steer my character. Now whenever I click it my character’s head moves and stares down at the ground. This has messed up everything, especially in a fight because now it goes where the character is looking instead of the direction I chose. If I want to dodge left my character goes right and vice versa.
For some of you, is the Free Look setting the opposite of where you had it set before? This can cause your camera to spin back to center when you start moving.