Musical instruments are broken after patch

Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlueSylvari.5162


Hello, recently after patch i couldn’t play chords while swapping octaves, thought that its broken keyboard but however i found out that other players report this too, could this issue be looked at?

Example: 1/3/5/(3/5), however 1/3/5/5 is played instead

The pretty Sylvari

Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Benino.6570


Yea, it seems that the instruments have gotten ‘too slow’. Playing something like
[2/5] 2/5 [2/5] fast will often skip the notes in the lower octave and play them in middle or the other way around. So when you play too fast it wont play all the notes and they either get played in the wrong octave or just vanish.

All instruments seem to have this, including the bass/lute. This bug is actually very similar to what the horn has when you switch octaves while playing a note and then play a note right after the switch. It simply cannot seem to keep up.

Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eidolonemesis.5640


“Game Update Notes: 1 June 2016


Musical instruments that are tempo locked (Musical Frame Drum, and certain modes of the Musical Lute and Musical Bass Guitar) should now have consistent tempo."

And what about the Mariner’s Horn I recently complained about to your team in great detail? Every time I switch from a high octave almost immediately to a lower octave the change octave button goes on cooldown. That does not happen with every other instrument after the patch.

It is almost like your team deliberately did no improvements to the Mariner’s Horn (as recently suggested). Why do you cater to other instruments and not the Mariner’s Horn?

All instruments from the Gem Store should be treated the same with equal improvement(s). The Gem Store is, after all, GW2’s store, and we are your customers buying your products (I choose to use $$ vs. farming to buy your Gem Store products).

You removed the tempo restriction from the Bass Guitar (arguably the most obnoxious instrument of all that hardly sounds like a Bass Guitar), therefore, the same should be done for the Mariner’s Horn.

EDIT: As of me editing this post, I also verified almost everything I could play before this patch is no longer playable on my Harp!

Thank you, Anet. Now I am even more livid than I was before about the Gem Store instruments, for example, the cooldown on music notes that needs to go away since hitting music notes gives no gameplay advantage whatsoever.

R.I.P Instruments if this doesn’t get fixed.

(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)

Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CMEPTb.8091


Thanks for posting <3

Side note: could we please get CD’s removed from instruments? /wink wink, nudge nudge

Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


Hello, recently after patch i couldn’t play chords while swapping octaves, thought that its broken keyboard but however i found out that other players report this too, could this issue be looked at?

Example: 1/3/5/(3/5), however 1/3/5/5 is played instead

Exactly! I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s experiencing this.

The new ‘responsive’ notes are fantastic!! Great job! Now you just need to make the octave changes ‘responsive’ as well, and we’re all set! Simple.


Musical instruments are broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarrantino.4061


Since last patch it is nearly impossible to play the instruments… =(